WATCH: Greg Gutfeld Gets Into Screaming Match With Geraldo Rivera; “Voting For McAuliffe Is Voting For Rape!” – IOTW Report

WATCH: Greg Gutfeld Gets Into Screaming Match With Geraldo Rivera; “Voting For McAuliffe Is Voting For Rape!”

Team Tucker Carlson-

On the Tuesday edition of ‘The Five’, Greg Gutfeld and far-left co-host Geraldo Rivera got in a screaming match over sexual assault when discussing the walkout at a school in Loudon County over an alleged sexual assault that the board is accused of covering up.

“Why is nobody talking about this crime?” Gutfeld asked his fellow co hosts. “Now we know that it’s true. The rapist has pled guilty. And no one would have known about this if it wasn’t for the dad of the victim being arrested and humiliated and called a domestic terrorist by the school board! This is an indictment of the corporate press.”

“They covered this thing up for the sake of an election!” he added. “I’m trying to think of why you would cover up a sensational story like this? A story of a double rapist, a young girl raped in her school by a guy who might have been using a skirt as a ruse. That is a huge, huge story!” more

22 Comments on WATCH: Greg Gutfeld Gets Into Screaming Match With Geraldo Rivera; “Voting For McAuliffe Is Voting For Rape!”

  1. Geraldo must get paid big bucks to act like an absolute imbecile. We are expected to bend over backwards to protect women, unless they have to compete in sports against biological males who call themselves women and get raped in a school by a biological male who “calls” himself a girl. What, are we supposed to not say anything because it was a”lesbian” relationship?

    And Geraldo things the father whose daughter got raped is over the top but a school board that lied about it and sent the rapist to another school so he could rape another girl was not over the top?

    Maybe Geraldo is on out side and is trying to get everyone so worked up so we finally get fed up and rise up to stop such things.

    Or Geraldo IS on the other side and is trying to get everyone so worked up so we finally get fed up and rise up to try and stop such things….

    If only Garland wasn’t such an dummy and tipped his hand.

  2. “Geraldo must get paid big bucks to act like an absolute imbecile.”

    Nah, he’s been an absolute imbecile his whole life, he does it for free.

    I miss that alcoholic Bob Beckel. He always showed up for work 3/4 buzzed, cranky and stupid. Plus he wanted to kick everyone’s ass. It is refreshing to see raw unvarnished progressivism without the fluff.

  3. Geraldo said “I also think that it’s way way an exception to the rule as these kids struggle with gender identity… A guy wearing a skirt is not the definition of all these kids struggling.”

    If this is an exception, where are the trans who aren’t using their status as a cudgel on the “Straights.” If you look at disable, the vast majority want to be treated on an even footing. The transmen use this as a means to “work the system.”

  4. Kids are “struggling” because out education system is focused on sexualizing the young from as early an age as is possible. They plant in their heads that boys can be girls and girls can be boys. Why, because the educators get sexual thrills from it.

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but by the end of 4th grade I pretty much knew it all. Knew it, but hadn’t done it. Hadn’t done it because at that age it didn’t hold any real interest for me. I learned it all on my own, mostly from older kids talking and without the help of the school system. That’s all changed. Now, our educators put anal sex high on the list of what kindergartners must be taught.

    These are evil, sick people. They have been and are indoctrinating the children in this nation. It must stop.

    He is a living, breathing piece of shit!
    Married 5 times and a self admitted serial cheater!
    He cheated on the first 4 wives by his own admission.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if he cheated on wife #4 with what is now wife #5. If your wife cannot trust ypu then no one should trust you.

    Let’s Go Brandon!

  6. Fox puts these token liberals on to create tension on the set for ratings.

    It’s redundant to call a liberal an imbecile, that’s a given.

    They all side with Lucifer against God, doesn’t get more imbecilic than that.

    They are chosen for their grating, obnoxious, duplicitous, smarmy elitism. Jerry is just the latest fury inducing retard.

    They ought to just yank Chrissy the Sissy and put him in that chair and be done with it.

  7. I used to think that Bob Beckel was a drunken joke. Then there was Juan Williams, the unending moronic racist, who could see no wrong in Obama, the poster boy for racist divisiveness.
    Then we had to endure Marie Harf and Donna Brazile, two more low-life bitches.
    But absolutely the most evil of the bunch is Geraldo – this is NOT an act!


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