Watch in full: Donald Trump addresses supporters at a rally in New York after being elected President of the United States – IOTW Report

Watch in full: Donald Trump addresses supporters at a rally in New York after being elected President of the United States

In case anyone was wondering—-

Music: “The Parachutes”  by  Jerry Goldsmith from the movie, Air Force One.

15 Comments on Watch in full: Donald Trump addresses supporters at a rally in New York after being elected President of the United States

  1. “Hillary is a very fine woman and we owe her a debt of gratitude, we need to put it all behind us” lock her up.

    He would have been criticized no matter what he said from somebody somewhere so what he did say was probably appropriate at the time.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for keeping the boot on the libtard throats until they come to their senses or leave the country. And yes, the floggings will continue until morale improves.

  2. I got such a kick out of Barron. At first I thought he looked like he would WAY rather be gaming or shitposting somewhere, but then I realized he was just really tired.
    What a trooper. Did you catch the great save he made when he started to yawn ?He knew he was on camera. Good Job Kid.
    I could not have pulled that off.

  3. Thanks for posting this video. When I knew Trump had won I jumped in the hot tub with a bourbon on the rocks and missed it.

    The 0bama nightmare is over. The evil witch and her eunuch husband have been cast into the shadows for eternity. We the people will rise again and watch as the democrat swamp is drained of vile, poisonous cold blooded creatures all.

    Rejoice, celebrate, come out into the sunshine. It’s a new beginning.

  4. Cost of electing a President: Elevendy Zillion Dollars.
    Getting to see the look on the faces of the Golfer-in-Chief’s lackeys: PRICELESS!

    I especially like the puss on the Iranian. Turn that frown upside down Val!

  5. Willysgoat, hopefully the FBI under a Trump administration will continue their investigation of the Clinton Foundation and nail her hide to a wall, well, a big wall. That way it’s the FBI that gets her not Trump.

    If she gets put in the Pen, she’ll still be living at our expense. He’ll pardon her, be the hero and she’ll be the only First Lady to ever be incited thus earning her place in history right next to the likes of Benedict Arnold.

  6. My pastor called it Sunday – expect pandermonium. He then chuckled and smiled. He then described how someone who was not the person they were before will set off the panic. He also said the devil would be enraged. That confirmed to me Trump would win. It’s a shame a pastor has to speak in code to keep non profit status. I pray Trump keeps his promise to get rid of 501c3.

  7. I can’t say enough how excited I am that we have a first couple that actually love this country and the FLOTUS is just a pleasure to watch. I mean that as in- she became a citizen, is graceful and loves this country.

    Here about how the FLOTUS has to live in a house built by slaves and the bla blah blah really got old. Did not realize until last night while looking at Trump’s family.

    Its a new day.

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