WATCH: Joe Biden Calls for Ban on Magazines Holding ‘Multiple Bullets’ – IOTW Report

WATCH: Joe Biden Calls for Ban on Magazines Holding ‘Multiple Bullets’


On Labor Day, Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden called for a ban on magazines holding “multiple bullets,” which is essentially a ban on magazines holding more than one round.

He said magazines that “can hold multiple bullets” should not be allowed, and this is a giant departure from Democrats’ decades old push for a ban on magazines holding more than 10 rounds. watch

26 Comments on WATCH: Joe Biden Calls for Ban on Magazines Holding ‘Multiple Bullets’

  1. This won’t stop until they themselves become defenseless victims which won’t happen because they hide behind armed guards. Joe should give up his Secret Service protection in a show of good faith.

  2. From ‘Once Upon A Time in the West’:

    Harmonica: I saw three of these dusters a short time ago. They were waiting for a train. Inside the dusters there were three men.
    Cheyenne: So?
    Harmonica: Inside the men there were three bullets.
    Cheyenne: That’s a crazy story, Harmonica, for two reasons. One, nobody around these part’s got the guts to wear those dusters except Cheyenne’s men. Two, Cheyenne’s men don’t get killed. That surprise you?
    Harmonica: Yeah. Well, you know music and you can count. All the way up to two.
    Cheyenne: [Turns the cylinder of his revolver] All the way up to six if I have to. [gestures to Harmonica’s wound] And maybe faster than you.

  3. Hey, Joe,
    what is the purpose of magazines if they cannot hold more than 1 bullet? Are you saying you want to outlaw magazines entirely? And how does this mix with your statement a short time ago stating that you don’t understand why “clips” with 100 rounds should be allowed? Is it clips or magazines? Is it 100, or 1?

    I am a simple conservative, please educate me.

  4. The end result of such legislation would be the same type of killers we are dealing with now would snipe from 600 yards away under cover and concealment. A much more lethal killer. Way to go Joe.

  5. What about books, Joe? WHAT IF I KEEP ALL MY BULLETS IN A BOOK!?!?!?

    Books are bigger.

    What if i commit a crime using a gun that has the ENTIRE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY ATTACHED!?!?!?!

  6. Ole Joe knows his magazines. Playboy. Hustler. Penthouse. And he only has one round in the chamber when he adjourns to his bunk.

    Do they still produce that smut or is it all on Al Gore’s amazing internet now?

    Beats meat. I mean Beats Joe. I mean Joe beats meat.

    A single round magazine reader indeed. One shot and he’s done for the week.

    Remember when Mark Levin used to call joe the dumbest guy in the senate?

  7. Joe will propose his “Two Blasts” program in which individuals may own one double barreled shotgun for use in scaring off home invaders by firing two blasts out of the bedroom window.

  8. He’s not sure what he’s talking about. And script reading when you’re nearing 80 is difficult without glasses.

    Now we know how he managed to stand by a traitor for eight years: he didn’t know where he was.

  9. I just heard from a reliable source, and if true: if true, all of Joe’s SS Agents will be carrying one bullet in their breast pockets starting on the 11am shift tomorrow. VP Joe got the idea from Barney Fife.

  10. There HAS to be an award for THIS level of ignorance.

    Remember the magazine cut-off plates on many SMLEs? That was just as stupid.

    We need a magazine cut-off on ARs! Next we’ll have cars that can only burn 5 gallons of petrol a day and then revert to pedal operation like a bicycle until the 24 hour reset.

    I shouldn’t make the joke. AOC may think that’s a great idea. And Harry, the Prince of dipsticks.


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