Louder with Crowder:Joe Biden really stepped in it today. During a speech where he was rambling about—I don’t know, something—our puddingheaded president used a racially charged word to describe one of the greatest baseball players to ever live, Satchel Page. Here is the president of the United States using this word. In 2021!
Look, we all see what happened here. This isn’t an example of Biden having a race problem as much as a Biden being old AF and having a-brain-that’s-half-tapioca problem. At least, that’s the benefit of the doubt Biden will be given by the media. You see, because Joe Biden is a Democrat. there’s more
Someone on Twitter responded to it:
Old Puddinhead had 81,000,000 + votes ya know. Just ask him.
A Great Negro. LOL. And old Joe the great white dope.
Sad, isn’t it?
Louder with Crowder (infowhores) is as annoying as AJ (infowhores) or Mark Dice (also infowhores). Rather hear fingernails on chalkboard, or just raw footage. Don’t care for the low IQ peanut gallery domestic enemies.
F*** Infowhores, all of them including Posobiec etc.
I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about, Calling out Controlled Opposition, but I have heard that magical negroes had wings, and built pyramids, and shit.
Anyone pretending to be offended by the word “Negro” is a fucking pretentious moron (heh, heh). Should Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, &c. change the names of their various rivers and provinces named “Rio Negro?” Or does the “Rio” make it alright?
Got an issue? Here’s a tissue.
I don’t know why we (humans) don’t ignore these crybaby cocksuckers.
Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.
Fuck Joe Biden
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
You’d think the professional race complainers would have serious problems with Preznit Shitpants, but NO!
They’ll just bend over deeply like they did for that clean articulate kenyan to fornicate them royally.
And they’ll deserve what they get.
I’ve been waiting for him to utter the word that rhymes with jigger. He’s not quite their yet so I’m still waiting. He’s almost there.
Obama is gonna be pissed, Joe. Only the O is the greatest Negro.
Well, at least he didn’t call him a “darkie”….yet. I’m sure that word is rollin around in that empty cranium of his.
Jackass Joe’s new theme song:
Back when that old negro Satchel played pro ball in the Wakanda League of Extraordinary Gentlemen….(cough/cough)
Er (fart/fart) he said the Magic half Negro was clean and articulate. Storybook man…(shits his pants)
Leader of the free world. (Let that sink in)
Aaaaaannnnd whut about the Old Negro Space Program Joe?
“It sure is fuking cold up here”