Kamala Harris Reminds Joe Biden to Pick Up His Mask After Speech – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Reminds Joe Biden to Pick Up His Mask After Speech

Breitbart: Vice President Kamala Harris had to remind President Joe Biden to re-don his mask Thursday after he left it at a podium during a speech at the White House.

Biden repeatedly urged Americans to wear masks to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“For God’s sake, wear a mask!” Biden said during his speech, marking the 50 millionth shot of the coronavirus vaccine administered to Americans.

But after his speech, Biden wandered away from the podium without his mask and spoke to a nurse who had administered vaccine shots earlier in the event. read more

17 Comments on Kamala Harris Reminds Joe Biden to Pick Up His Mask After Speech

  1. According to Doctor Google 108,000+ Covid deaths since fraudster biden became president.

    Trump had 400,000 covid deaths on his watch in 1 year.
    Biden 1089,000 covid deaths in 5 weeks!
    That’s a 27.25 % INCREASE under biden in 5 weeks.
    How’s that biden covid plan working out for America

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  2. Also, I warned everyone that bombs would be dropping within 6 months of Biden getting in. Syria, 35 days latter!

    I’m sue the pricks deserved it but America’s enemies have been emboldened after watching this election & subsequent shit show.

  3. Remember that one time at the debate when all those Republicans got the covid because they weren’t wearing masks and believing the science and stuff? Seems like it was a decade ago.

    You should have let it go, Kammy. It might make you Preezy sooner.

  4. Mask shmask… The Military Industrial Complex is up and running again. Their revenue pipeline has been turned back on and now it will be back to business for these fraudsters. That’s why they didn’t like Donald. There is TRILLIONS at stake.

    I’m more concerned about people handling food items, (loaves of bread, canned goods, meat products and vegetables), than the stupid six foot spacing, (which never happens), or the totally useless masks which serve no purpose except to muffle conversation and stifle a friendly smile.


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