Watch: Nevada Crowd Tells Kamala ‘No’ They Are Not Ready for Her Presidency – IOTW Report

Watch: Nevada Crowd Tells Kamala ‘No’ They Are Not Ready for Her Presidency

Breitbart: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) engaged in “real talk” with a crowd at a town hall event on Thursday and asked if America is ready for her presidency, to which some replied with an emphatic, “No!”

A clip of the town hall event in Reno, Nevada, surfaced on Thursday, showing Kamala Harris attempting to relate to the crowd with a bit of “real talk.” more here

23 Comments on Watch: Nevada Crowd Tells Kamala ‘No’ They Are Not Ready for Her Presidency

  1. As a lawyer and Senator, she’s a very confusing speaker.

    But I really don’t care what she is – besides an “also ran,” soon to be forgotten in the history of Presidential politics.

  2. Kamala the Kept isn’t going anywhere. You can’t sleep your way into the Presidency.

    Who will save the party? It won’t be Hillary. She’ll be indicted before she gets traction.


  3. Reno’s on our short list ever since Grizzle Bears have been gnawing on people non stop in Bozeman. Hea Hea, Ho Ho, Grizzle bears have to go. F that.
    Looks to me like killing a Bear in Montana is much worse than killing a person.

  4. I’m not sure she looks good naked……and that might be my best reason to not vote for her….Bernie don’t look good naked, Biden?…LOLOL…Lizzy?…nah I feel up my refrigerator enough…

    I’m pretty sure that I’ll vote for The Donald because I want 4 more years of Melania in stilettos….Yessir, I will…

  5. Fortunately we’ll not see any candidate naked unless Robert O’Dourke insists upon us seeing him on a skateboard balls out. Or suffering a colonoscopy on YouLube.

    I’m kind of a policy guy. And i would suggest that candidates who wish to flash junk spare us your humiliation. Your junk isn’t impressive. It wasn’t to the porn industry so you had to choose politics as a career alternative because your last name isn’t Biden, Clinton, Kerry, or any of the instant millionaire democrat descendants in the Ukrainian oil business.

    //yeah. I rambled some on that.

  6. PATHETIC, REPULSIVE, DISGUSTING, and EMBARRASSING. Oblowme set the standards so low some of the least accomplished democrats in America think they too can become president.

  7. Am I the only one, or did anyone else note how hard she is draggin dat black girl accent? God what a desperate phony…of course the other half black Magic Negro was the same way.

    I’m a half breed myself, but I don’t talk like Pocahontas.

  8. @ Cisco, killery ain’t half black!
    @ TommyBoy, sort of but less queer!
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  9. Nevada is the EPITOME of ‘the tail wagging the dog’ politically. Better than 80% of Nevada’s population is in Clark County (Vegas). And the vast majority of the people there are flaming brain dead liberals. The REST of the state is strongly conservative. But because of Clark County we have a Commie Demonrat Governor, State AG and legislature….ALL working feverishly to DESTROY OUR FREEDOM. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE….somebody NUKE VEGAS and save the rest of the state.


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