WATCH: Rashida Tlaib goes on bizarre rant about ‘voting rights’ at vaccination event – IOTW Report

WATCH: Rashida Tlaib goes on bizarre rant about ‘voting rights’ at vaccination event


“Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) gave an impassioned, bizarre speech about voting rights at a vaccination mobilization event in Detroit, Michigan.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were also in attendance at the event, according to local station WLNS.

“Because I am done waiting! Just like you all are. I’m done waiting for the bold change that we need. And I know I think and I believe that our Madame Vice President feels the same way,” Tlaib declared. “It’s our alone lived experiences being a child of immigrants, being women of color in positions we can bring those voices in a room that never ever experienced it before.” more

14 Comments on WATCH: Rashida Tlaib goes on bizarre rant about ‘voting rights’ at vaccination event

  1. Not only is she out of her islamist America hating mind, she is completely ignorant of American history.
    She thinks she, the Somali terrorist loving brother marrying troll, the whacko from Mass., the spoiled brat airhead commie from NY and the granddaughter of Jamaican/Indian slave owners are the first “women of color” to be in politics or have a soap box on which to speak?
    Can someone dope slap her?

  2. I see progress in uncovering fraud in AZ, GA, and PA; surely there fraud was more widespread that Antrim county in MI. When is the MI legislators going to get off their duffs and do a full forensic audit of Wayne County?

  3. Dr. Tar
    JULY 14, 2021 AT 1:10 PM
    “I see progress in uncovering fraud in AZ, GA, and PA; surely there fraud was more widespread that Antrim county in MI. When is the MI legislators going to get off their duffs and do a full forensic audit of Wayne County?”

    …she’s probably at least semi-legit, because Barry settled a fuckton of Somali “refugees from the Syrian War” in the area that vomited her onto the face of our body politic, so while it’s very likely there were Somolis voting illegal, she probably DOES legit have that many votes.

    Bear in mind though that a “good” Muslim doesn’t believe in elections. Their pedoprophet said a!!!ah picks your caliphs, NOT you, BUT Muslims ARE encouraged to participate in every democracy they are immigrating to conquer, and pick the WORST candidates on PURPOSE just to screw then up.

    Look at OUR Muslim picks and tell me that’s not true…

    “Nabi Ibrahem AS also did not have the ability to appoint the Imam from his offspring, the matter is completely with Allah.

    And We made them leaders, guiding by Our command; and We inspired them to do good works, and to observe the prayer, and to give out charity. They were devoted servants to Us.

    Again, in this verse, it is Allah who appoints the Imam. It is not selected by anyone, nor given in a will, nor established by committee. The role of the Imam is also outlined, to guide, be an example, establish the religion and society.

    It is a common theme that Allah alone appoints the true leaders.


    Their prophet said to them, “God has appointed Talut (Saul) to be your king.” They said, “How can he have authority over us, when we are more worthy of authority than he, and he was not given plenty of wealth?” He said, “God has chosen him over you, and has increased him in knowledge and stature.” God bestows His sovereignty upon whomever He wills. God is Embracing and Knowing.”

  4. Rash Shithead’s ancestors comes from the Arab Middle East so she is genetically programmed to just go apeshit at the slighest provocation .. so of course shes going to rant like a lunatic from time to time

  5. She’s just spewing typical Jihad jargon; “If you don’t submit, I keel you” cause Islam rules and the West are oppressors. The inbred cow is nuts.
    Foreign invaders need to be removed from any political office in America. They are traitorous.

  6. Who in their right mind could conjure up the need to import millions of low IQ, jungle savages from Somalia to take up refuge in this country! OK, I agree it was that half black America hating Obama! Now how do we get them out?


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