Watch: Rush Limbaugh honored with Presidential Medal of Freedom – IOTW Report

Watch: Rush Limbaugh honored with Presidential Medal of Freedom

29 Comments on Watch: Rush Limbaugh honored with Presidential Medal of Freedom

  1. For Trump to have given Rush this honor so quickly has me concerned that his prognosis is not favorable. I hope I’m absolutely wrong. Miracles happen, stay strong Rush Limbaugh!!

  2. Can you possibly imagine the type of low-life that holds negative feelings towards Rush??

    Scary, isn’t it?

    To be face to face with such a person is to see Satan himself.

  3. Oh Rush. 😢 I thought the same thing, that POTUS thought it’s wise to give him the honor now and not wait. On the DittoCam, Rush has looked thin but the beard offered some camouflage, but his appearance tonight was so sad.

  4. That was bittersweet, yet wonderful. You could see Rush did not expect such an honor. So happy for him. Melania is such a gracious First Lady and presented the Medal of Freedom with great dignity.
    So nice to see Rush’s wife, Kathryn. You can see in her face the burden they both share. Despite the diagnosis, I truly hope the Lord allows Rush more years, because so many are praying for him.

  5. We just got a glimpse of how good a friend Donald Trump is.

    Additionally DJT couldn’t say anything about the impeachment during the speech he could at least hold up Rush a great American and lover of freedom in his defense of our President.

    Prayers for you Mr. Limbaugh – you are certainly a unique person who has touched many many lives over the years. It wouldn’t surprise me that St. Peter needs to call you up to Heaven to another type of broadcasting.

  6. 1. Tear-jerking.

    2. To receive it in front for the nation, the democrats, communists, feminists HAD to watch!

    3. Rush used a few of my quotes (the day after he returned from honeymoon) on the air from a now defunct conservative website ( I have same Avatar and name) that had a message board, and always wished he’d get in contact with me, and never did. Just a fantasy I’ve always kept to myself….

    My hero is weak, and that hurts.

  7. Seeing how thin he looked concerned me… but it also strengthened my resolve to pray for him and for God’s healing and mercy upon him.

    Anybody cursing Rush is just heaping coals of fire on their own head. That’s that.

  8. I finally figured out why Rush looked kind of familiar with the beard. Even though I had not seen him with the beard before his announcement of his illness. He looks a lot like Larry P Arnn, president of Hillsdale College.

  9. When the left retakes power, they’re going to see to it that both Trump and Rush never happen again. Meaning populist phenomena like them both. Lock down elections and the internet/radio kill switch.

    Don’t believe me? Wait.

  10. On reflection I realize close to half of my entire lifetime this man has held my attention and been part of my everyday activities.
    He’s going to be leaving a big hole where there was a rich source of information and perspective as well as entertainment.

  11. That was a honorable moment in history that will be remembered fondly by millions of his fans. Congratulations to Rush Limbaugh, truly a Great American. Say a prayer for his health and well being.

  12. …he looked bad, but my Lord is greater. The Lord is the ultimate physician, and the Lord can heal him to His glory and His purposes.

    Dear Lord, we stand before you today to ask healing for one who has used the gifts You gave him to inspire others to Your purposes and to inform Your children against the works of satan’s minions on Your Earth. We know that he is a sign of Your love for us that you so gifted him to call out the evil in our time, and that all such gifts are finite according to Your designs. We know that he is flawed and undeserving, as are we all, but in Your word you command us to ask Your healing in the precious name of Your son Jesus, and He that is the only one who makes us worthy can intercede for us that You may deliver even the hopelessly ill from ANY malady, in sign of Your infinite grace and Your infinite mercy. We praise Your name for the help You have sent to inform this sun-sick world, and though we are not worthy, we ask that you spare Rush, Your servant, to help keep the Enemy of Mankind at bay a bit longer, that more may be free of evil influences to make the decision to turn to You freer of the confusion the Democrat minions of the evil one deliberately sow as stumbling blocks in the path to Your glory. We will praise you whatever Your will is, but if You make Your sign upon this man, his mass audience of supporters and detractors alike will have NO choice but to acknowledge it Your healing and set it to Your greatness. Please heal this man and restore him to the purpose You gifted him for, and it is to Your glory we will lift his healing up to.

    And we ask this all in the precious name of Jesus,

    “13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

    14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

    15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

    16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
    James 5:13-16

  13. That was such a beautiful moment. Rush did not expect it and it touched him so. He deserves the recognition for what he does. President Trump was so gracious to do it during the SOTU address, knowing that all eyes were on it.

    Right now, I want to focus on how great the address was and all the positive things he did and said. Unfortunately, this is also a good time to share the absolute childish, mean-spirited, hateful and evil that the left exposed in their behavior during the speech. My prayer is that the voters have seen this and those who would vote for them have a change of heart.

  14. Since 1991 (after returning from Desert Storm) I have listened to Rush with my parents, when I was lonily and had financial, professional problems, wanted to catch up on his thought about the current political crisis of the day, who was ALWAYS there for me? Whose voice could I actually listen to for a 3 hour block?

    Rush, for 28 years. Don’t tell me it’s over, and I will only have past recordings to listen to?

    It just can’t happen. . .


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