Watch this sinkhole swallow up a huge chunk of a soccer field in Illinois – IOTW Report

Watch this sinkhole swallow up a huge chunk of a soccer field in Illinois

Not The Bee-
I hate to say it, but this is probably the most exciting thing that has ever happened on this Illinois soccer field.

17 Comments on Watch this sinkhole swallow up a huge chunk of a soccer field in Illinois

  1. And imagine all the skin cancers, etc. being caused by the use of all that artificial turf on those fields (well documented at this point). Those elected folks clearly do NOT care about their constituents.

  2. Out in the country roads, creeks, farms sometime have interesting names.
    One such road was Lost Mule Rd.
    Asked a few people why it was named that. Nobody seemed to know why, then I talked to an old guy who was alive at the turn of the century.
    Seems a man was out plowing his field, got to be lunch time, he tied the mule to a tree and went home.
    When he came back the tree, mule, plow, gone, sinkhole. I was up in an ultralight and the whole area is dotted with nice round holes, sinkholes.
    Maybe I’ll tell you about Runaway Nigger Creek next.

  3. Whole State is a Honeycomb of Mines….The old “Dirty Coal” Always figured

    the New Madrid Fault Line would settle that particular problem…


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