Watch: Total Humiliation, Biden Ignores Warnings, Gets The Gong During Climate Summit (Not A Joke) – IOTW Report

Watch: Total Humiliation, Biden Ignores Warnings, Gets The Gong During Climate Summit (Not A Joke)

News Thud: Once again on the world stage Biden humiliates the himself and the United States of America.

On November 1, 2021 Biden as delivering his plans for cutting carbon emission but instead got “gonged” because he spoke longer than three minutes.

A clueless Biden ignored the audible warnings as he stumbled through his “speech” claiming “the United States is not only back at the table, but hopefully leading by the power of our example. I know it hasn’t been the case. And that’s why my administration is working overtime to show that our Climate Commitment is action, not words.”

As the gongs went off Biden kept talking and it rang a total of eight times.

Below is a portion of Biden’s “awe inspiring speech,” 30 seconds in he falls apart. more

25 Comments on Watch: Total Humiliation, Biden Ignores Warnings, Gets The Gong During Climate Summit (Not A Joke)

  1. I am not humiliated by the apish capers of Usurpers, Traitors, and Corrupt Pedophiles.

    That we suffer him to continue this charade, however, is a source of shame.

    Fuck Joe Biden

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim – FJB
    NOVEMBER 2, 2021 AT 6:17 AM
    “I am not humiliated by the apish capers of Usurpers, Traitors, and Corrupt Pedophiles.

    That we suffer him to continue this charade, however, is a source of shame.”

    Well, WE are pretty disgusted with you lot.

    WE were out shooting guys with WAY less provocation than THIS…

  3. Instead of a gong, why not emit a shitload of CO2 in the air when a speaker goes over the time limit? That way, the beta males and Luddites could get angry and shout down the speaker when they exceed their time limit.

  4. Thanks to the corrupt MSM

    We’re not supposed to know
    Joe ( Taffyhead ) Biden
    is an imbecile

    Even though the entire rest
    of the world knows

    And they’re laughing
    not only at him

    But at us as well !

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