Watch: Trump Supporters Clash with Police, Attempt to Breach U.S. Capitol Building – IOTW Report

Watch: Trump Supporters Clash with Police, Attempt to Breach U.S. Capitol Building

Breitbart: Supporters of President Donald Trump at the March to Save America are attempting to breach the U.S. Capitol, breaking through barriers in attempts to occupy the building, according to footage captured Wednesday.

Videos shows crowds attempting to breach the U.S. Capitol, holding American flags as well as Trump flags.

“Trump supporters have breached the Capitol building, tearing down 4 layers of security fencing and are attempting to occupy the building — fighting federal police who are overrun,” The Blaze’s Elijah Schaffer said, tweeting out a video of the chaos.

“This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Thousands, police can’t stop them,” he added, noting that “non lethal force” was in effect: more

118 Comments on Watch: Trump Supporters Clash with Police, Attempt to Breach U.S. Capitol Building

  1. Patriots need to occupy the U.S. Capital grounds, from now until January 20th and declare it The People of the Republic Zone.
    If the left can take over territory, so can patriots.

  2. …why don’t they just get right up to the elevators and in the hallways and stuff like lefties always are allowed to do so these traitors have to walk between them to leave?

    …oh, right, only one side has rights and only the other side has laws and responsibilities, I forgot…

  3. If you’re not watching the hearings in the house regarding the AZ votes (right now it’s AZ). It’s interesting but I had to quit watching.

    The Republicans have massive show of evidence and knowledge about how the fraud took place and can show how the state was violated, the voters violated, laws violated, etc. And even how SCOTUS chickened out. lol.

    And the Dems? Their counter argument is, “Nuh uhhh!!! but but but biden!11!”


    This is all public. Voters are watching.

  4. Anonymous- what weapons did the Trump supporters bring and how are they violent?
    Did you see them whooping cops asses like Blmtifa?
    No. They are parked on the Lincoln memorial giving speeches right now.
    And there’s no graffiti or bombs thrown.
    How are they violent?

  5. Maryland Blmatifa organizers told them not to go to DC because the Feds are out looking for them.
    The rest of the blmtifa will be on the perimeter waiting for the protesters to go home. While the protestors break up in smaller groups, blmtifa harasses and attacks them. That’s how they work. They go 100 against a tiny group. Because they’re pussies like that.

  6. No it’s patriots out there. Sure, assholes mixed in. But it’s patriots out there. No weapons, walking through the buildings and you can see them get hit with batons by DC police. They haven’t destroyed property like antifa / blm. Cops have weapons, the patriots don’t.

    It’s a huge crowd. Go look. No fires, no bombs, no purposeful vandalism. Just people walking, yelling, with flags. 98% of them are outside.
    Go look at the lincoln memorial, specifically. They’re waving flags.

  7. I 100% believe it, people’s anger has went from cold anger, to boiling anger to now flaming hot anger.
    I don’t think some get it, you don’t keep your rights and take back your rights lost when they take your vote away by chanting and waving flags. You sure as heck don’t overthrow a communist country. You have to do it with force. They have ignored the people and the people have had enough. That is their building, it doesn’t belong to the police, those pretending to represent the people, it belongs to THE PEOPLE!!

    If this makes you squeamish, you have no idea how bad it’s going to get when the real fight starts.

  8. “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”

    [Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950]
    Harry S. Truman

  9. Hey guys, as long as your inside the building how about taking down those hideous portraits of Obama and the first tranny and burn them!
    It wouldn’t fall into the category of vandalism.

  10. Giving the pols a taste of what they allowed antifa & blm to get away with last year. But without the weapons or fires.
    Instead of hiding behind their walled mansions pretending it’s just an idea they get it close up.

  11. I swear if I could get my hands on Major Garrett I would light him up in a gas-fueled inferno.
    I’ve never heard a ‘journalist’ ranting breathlessly in such a brazen partisan manner! CBS News should be drowned at sea. All of them.

    Someone record it please. For my trial, to show why I could be so enraged.

  12. I suppose no one supplied guides and docents for this impromptu tour of the Chambers?

    I’m sure this isn’t exactly what some of the members of those two bodies appreciate as The People participating in their government.

    Of, by, and for, yanno’?

  13. And they thought people would just sit quietly after being spat on for four years then having a Presidential election stolen from us, not to mention the other elections over the years. I still don’t believe the Dems took the House in 2018 (or the Senate in 2021].

    Perhaps this will make our enemies think twice that the US is not all a bunch of softies.

  14. JDHasty JANUARY 6, 2021 AT 3:21 PM
    “They are on the floor of the Senate now”

    …someone should take a shit in McConnell’s big chair.

    …not that it would be any different from what it’s USUALLY loaded with, though…

    …although, true story, we had a guy at work get mad about a boss and he got into officer’s country somehow and crapped in HIS chair. Boss was pretty pissed, and guy didn’t realize that there were cameras.

    …he doesn’t work here any more, for…some reason…

  15. Police and deputies are as likely to be anti American as they re to be pro American.

    In both Nov and Dec the police teamed up with BLM to attack Don’s protesters here in DC!
    I saw the cop sneak up behind a Don man and “rabbit punch” him. Cop clearly is a BLM supporter and wants to do violence! Maybe even murder “in the name of the law!”!

  16. JD- it was rubber bullets. Some guy got shot in the chest and the woman (Bloody one) may have been shot in the neck. So this went on at the steps OUTSIDE. Not inside.

    One woman (Tv interview) said she didn’t see doors busted down.

  17. The police had better be careful. If they shoot and kill anyone it will be like the battles of Lexington and Concord all over again. The Russian revolution started under similar circumstances.

    How long did the elites think they could piss on us before we would explode?

  18. …completely unrelated, the Capitol has a rich history, including some unpleasantness in 1812 from some peacefully protesting British soldiers…×600/filters:no_upscale()/

    …this concludes your totally off-topic moment in history that in no way is meant to relate to anything going on in modern times.

  19. …just out of curiosity, what the fuck did they THINK would happen when Pence joined the long line of traitors sticking their ass in our faces?

    I’m with MJA, whatever happens, happens.

    Either way, the Government of this Country as it is currently constitued is dead.

    Gonna be interesting to see what rises from the ashes…

  20. Pence just tweeted this crap;

    “Peaceful protest is the right of every American but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

    “The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now. Anyone involved must respect Law Enforcement officers and immediately leave the building.”

  21. Look, the cops were shooting at protestors at the steps.
    They didn’t do it when blamtifa was destroying shit at the same steps. When they were defacing statues and memorials. No, they shoot at Trump supporters, the supporters who are not just republicans.


    Be back later. Update yourselves

  22. @ burner JANUARY 6, 2021 AT 4:10 PM

    I haven’t seen anybody assaulting strangers, trashing the city or burning vehicles so I guess it doesn’t qualify as a mostly peaceful protest

  23. RadioMattM,

    “Maybe we should have a Zoom meeting before the internet is shut down.”

    Hubby is a ham radio operator. We ‘could’ communicate via ham radio if they shut down the internet.

  24. 99th Squad Leader
    JANUARY 6, 2021 AT 3:54 PM
    Pence just tweeted this crap;

    “…Anyone involved must respect Law Enforcement officers and immediately leave the building.”

    …well, since no one that was in the building with Pence and Pence HIMSELF showed no respect for the law, I see no reason anyone ELSE who may CURRENT be in the building really should either…

  25. …Pence also wasn’t too worried about respect for law when it was lefties running around either, but he sure can shoot his mouth off at the people he just directly betrayed…

  26. “Why is Trump sending in the Nat Guard?”

    It’s the right thing to do. Don’t read too much into it. Imagine the fake news saying he wants riots to happen…

    BTW, New years resolution – cowardly Anons will never get a TU from me. No matter how much they post pro-conservative things. Cowards are cowards and cowardly conservatives need a punch in the mouth too. Just like fake conservative RINOs. Eff U.

  27. “One guy with the buffalo horns on his head inside the Senate already ID’d as antifa.”

    I figured. But, I’m sorry- how hilarious was that shit?!
    There were people taking pictures of themselves behind the desk.

    Now, when the supporters leave and antifa is still there, are they still ‘Trump supporters’? lol

  28. CCNV: I ah e an American license but I really can’t use it as a resident of the Great White North. I would like to get a Canadian one but there is no testing because of the great shamdemic.

  29. My cousin was there. He said the Trump supporters didn’t storm the Crapitol. It was group of ringers, and Pelosi pulled all the security to make it easy for them to get in.


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