Watch Tucker Carlson And Alan Dershowitz Ruin James Comey’s Night – IOTW Report

Watch Tucker Carlson And Alan Dershowitz Ruin James Comey’s Night

DC: Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz slammed James Comey for writing the “worst possible book at the worst possible time for the worst possible reasons” on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Friday.

“I used to have a good feeling about Comey,” Dershowitz said. “I met him a few times when he was in Boston. I now have only very strong negative feelings about him and he just enhances the suspicion that I think so many Americans now have of the law enforcement, and we ought to be trusting law enforcement. And, nobody today would trust Comey with secrets or confidences.”

That’s not the only thing Dershowitz had to say about the former FBI director.

9 Comments on Watch Tucker Carlson And Alan Dershowitz Ruin James Comey’s Night

  1. I listened to his chat with Stephanopoulos. on Rush yesterday, describing the Pee thing. It was embarrassing.
    The one redeeming aspect of this whole clusterfuck, is that Comey was never a rank and file G-Man. He was a lawyer appointed to head the FBI. And looks like he fucked it up. But he put Martha Steward in Jail. What a guy. As Prof. Dershowitz said, he should never have been appointed to head the FBI. The old saying, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. I hope he falls fast and hard.

  2. I watched “Darkest Hour” last evening. I never knew that Churchill had so many nay sayers and cut throats. Sort of like President Trump. Churchill prevailed and saved the world from tyranny. America helped eventually. But will President Trump prevail? He needs our prayers and support because there is no America to help us today. This is it!


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