Watch Tucker Carlson demolish this illegal immigration activist – IOTW Report

Watch Tucker Carlson demolish this illegal immigration activist


It never gets old.

At this point, I’m not really sure why progressives continue to appear on Tucker Carlson Tonight.  I mean, they must know what’s coming, right? They’re going to make some ridiculous, barely coherent, argument.  Tucker will listen politely.  Then, they’ll be utterly obliterated, and made to look like fools.

I presume they’re operating under the age-old assumption that “any publicity is good publicity,” but one should presume there are limits.  If all you’re doing is exposing your ignorance, I’m not sure five minutes of TV time is really your best option.

Anyway, it’s fun for our side.  Watch

18 Comments on Watch Tucker Carlson demolish this illegal immigration activist

  1. Meh. Carlson is getting on my nerves. He has two main expressions: puzzled and befuddled or laughing like a hyena. I hate that he lets his progtard guests filibuster and use his primetime platform ad nauseum. And he doesn’t hit back hard enough with relevant info.

  2. They keep appearing for the same reason they keep trying socialism: “I can do it better.” No matter how hard anyone else tried, no matter how many arguments (or pathetic fake notebooks) they came with, there’s always someone else whose conceit is so massive they think they can convince Carlson’s viewers to come to their side.

    Abigail, yeah sometimes he does do that and I agree, it is annoying that he lets them get away with it. But other times he doesn’t give an inch.

  3. Interesting. Even if this guy can’t justify his point it is a positive on us that he is willing to BS his way into staying. That being the case, why isn’t he legal?

  4. I watched this asshole and could tell he thinks he’s bringing some heavy intellectual horsepower to the debate. His smug attitude was comical. He was left in ashes and didn’t even know it.

  5. I forgot to say that I LOATHE Vargas. He is a smug, self righteous asshole and took part in the effort to overwhelm border guards was it, two years ago? When they were busing in Central American kids and Americans were standing in roads to block the buses.

    He publishes articles, gets on TV, talks all kinds of shit day in day out to anyone who will pay attention to him AND is interested primarily in what he gets, not what he can give to this country. This was the tamest I have EVER seen this bastard.

  6. His guests know the game; they must practice in front of a camera at home in preparation. All Media Training for politicians, CEOs and PR people include this technique as part of the syllabus. it’s called ‘Getting The Message Out’ and it involves powering through with a rehearsed set of message points ignoring as much as possible any interruptions by the interviewer and continuing to talk over and ignore those interruptions. If forced to respond, you give a terse vague answer and segue to your next talking point as quickly as possible.

    Tucker tries to interrupt, but the more skilled guests just power through his attempts until he is forced to interrupt. “You didn’t answer my question” is a common Tucker response to their ‘answer’ to a question, where they are busy reciting their own talking points and/or avoiding answering that question. Tucker is good at giving the guest enough rope to hang themselves, and usually doesn’t ask a question that he doesn’t already have the answer to, showing that his research team has done their homework. He is then able to bring up contradictions with what they just said to their verifiable speech and actions.

  7. I really like Tucker, but I also agree with Abigail. His schtick is gonna get old if he does’t put a twist in it. Maybe he should work on a tongue-in-cheek William F. Buckley Jr. approach – slower paced, intelligent, unflappable and unbeatable pure logic. I think he’s smart enough to do it.

  8. I’m with Abigail. Tucker never goes in for the kill. These idiots lie outrageously & Tucker laughs rather than beating them into submission. Trump has me used to winning, I guess.

  9. I really Tucker’s approach. He lets the idiots keep spewing out their talking points, counters with facts, gets them confused, rips them and then cuts the interview on his terms. Keep it up Tuck! Keep exposing these narcissists for what they are.

  10. “At this point, I’m not really sure why progressives continue to appear on Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
    They keep appearing for the same reason they keep trying communism/socialism, even as it has been shown to not work over and over.
    Progs have no self awareness and think it’s they who are right and they will show us if they only get the chance.
    Tucker gives them the chance, they cannot understand it fails as miserably as communism because they ‘feel’ good.

  11. AbigailAdams FEBRUARY 4, 2017 AT 12:07 AM
    Meh. Carlson is getting on my nerves. He has two main expressions: puzzled and befuddled or laughing like a hyena. I hate that he lets his progtard guests filibuster and use his primetime platform ad nauseum. And he doesn’t hit back hard enough with relevant info.
    Page O”Turner FEBRUARY 4, 2017 AT 8:35 AM
    “I’m with Abigail. Tucker never goes in for the kill. These idiots lie outrageously & Tucker laughs rather than beating them into submission.”
    I totally agree. I see headlines like “demolished”, “crushed” etc but I must have been watching something else because it looks pretty weak to me. Repeatedly asking a someone to “answer the question” isn’t exactly being tough. I want to hear some emotion like ANGER! And calling b/s, b/s!

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