Watchdog group files open-records request on Biden dogs’ biting incidents at White House – IOTW Report

Watchdog group files open-records request on Biden dogs’ biting incidents at White House

Just The News

The conservative activist group Judicial Watch said Tuesday that it has filed an official public-records request with the Secret Service, seeking information on several biting incidents by President Biden’s dogs, Major and Champ.

The Washington, D.C.-based group said it filed a Freedom of Information Act on March 1 asking for all records of communications among Secret Service officials regarding the dogs.

The Secret Service responded April 12, saying the agency had identified the requested records and was processing them. Judicial Watch said this week it has yet to receive the requested communications.

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16 Comments on Watchdog group files open-records request on Biden dogs’ biting incidents at White House

  1. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf)
    MAY 5, 2021 AT 10:20 AM
    “Leave it alone.

    Hopefully the dog knocks an imposter down the stairs. Don’t care who.”

    …yep, lots to choose from…I’m a little surprised they let the Pedophile live this long, but they’re probably saving him for some 4th of July “White Supremacist” false flag so they can do the whole martial law/gun confiscation thing with at least SOME of the sheep thinking it’s true…they’ve got plenty more where HE came from, as you suggested, so if not now, then later…

  2. All my pitbull has to do is look at a prog and it’s a call for banishment.

    Some lady at the forest preserve told me, “Your dog doesn’t make me very comfortable.”

    I told her Good, I’m not here to make you comfortable.

    Huffing and puffing ensued. I just walked away.


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