WATERGATE!!!11! – IOTW Report


Trump Drinks Liberal Tears 😂

SNIP: LSM breathlessly reported on Trump taking drinks of water during press conference.

19 Comments on WATERGATE!!!11!

  1. He made a big thing of it. Look at the look on his face. He did it on purpose. Wonder what’s up his sleeve. 🙂

    This was not dehydration from being on a plane for 20 plus k miles.

    The media was sure to pick it up. Some more twits will fall out of the closet over this. Apparently Rubio already has.

  2. Did he rub one out into a potted plant at El Socialista? Drown a woman? Text his junk to children? Defile an intern with penis pudding? Pay hitmen to kill his enemies? Sell nuclear secrets AND 20% of our uranium to nations that aim ICBMs at us? Did he starve an entire island of black people? Did he grope and molest little girls? Did he rape women and bite them in the face? No?

    The he is definitely not fit to be a Demonicrat.

  3. AA

    Grit your teeth and visit the Right Poop. Headlines “SC Girls Basket Ball Team Declines Trumps Invite To White House”. That fucking Nazi site posts a picture of an all white girls Basket Ball team when in reality they’ve found the heart of Black Lives Splatter. At this point in time I gotta ask, what’s the deal with Super Mex, the fat white guy. What’s your point? Who’s side are you on besides your own. That guy needs his ass kicked.

  4. The kid takes two kid Fiji bottles to school every day. We don’t trust island water here. The bottles are sturdy.

    Borrowed a buddy’s TDS probe, my house averaged 800 ppm. Ain’t drinking that! unfiltered standard for bottled is 50-200 ppm.

    Learn what you are drinking!

  5. AA – I’m on Twitter a lot and there are many great conservatives on it (for now – Twitter’s new rules will probably weed a lot of us out). But yes, that story did appear on conservative Twitter.

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