Waukesha Killer Darryl Brooks found guilty on all 76 counts – IOTW Report

Waukesha Killer Darryl Brooks found guilty on all 76 counts


A jury found Darrell Brooks guilty of 76 counts – including six counts of 1st-degree homicide – for plowing an SUV through the Waukesha Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring dozens more last year.

Brooks faces a mandatory life sentence for each homicide count. The jury deliberated for about three hours and 15 minutes Wednesday morning before telling the court they had reached a verdict. more

11 Comments on Waukesha Killer Darryl Brooks found guilty on all 76 counts

  1. What, no “Hate Crime” enhancements?

    Some mope who never broke the law walks into The Capitol, invited in by the state police, and sits in Nancy’s chair warrants the FBI scouring his social media accounts going back 20 years, but this POS who proudly foments white hatred on his social media, even advocating violence against white people then acts on his white rage…………..no hate crimes for him?

    Maybe those rabble-rousers in the past who chanted,”No justice, no peace” were on to something.

  2. The televised trial was both infuriating and entertaining. The idiot mass murderer was smug and argumentative, the the judge (with looks made for TV) had the patience of Job, but she was way too deferential to the POS defendant, presumably to deny him any grounds for appeal. When reading the verdict, a victim family member in the gallery summed up my sentiments: “Burn in Hell you piece of shit!”

  3. @Rich Taylor
    OCTOBER 26, 2022 AT 2:10 PM
    “What, no “Hate Crime” enhancements?”

    I get your point, but the murder charges and battery charges were open and shut, he will likely get at least 6 life sentences, so he won’t ever be released. And with his mouth and attitude and the fact he killed children, he will likely get the death sentence in prison we all would like to see.

  4. The Rule of Law, the cornerstone of any representative government, not only demands that bad guys pay for their crimes but that the penalty for those crimes is meted out impartially, that is why Lady Justice wears a blindfold. Our faith in that justice system is shaken when individuals are treated differently due to immutable characteristics like skin color or chromosome type.

    Personally, I think the whole concept of Hate Crimes legislation is antithetical to true justice, that one person’s hide is more valuable than another, or that race should somehow be a factor in determining punishment.

    I get that this guy is going away forever, but since we all know if the races were reversed hate crime enhancements would be pursued, I would just like to see “equal” justice under the law.

  5. It only took a year, wish he’d resisted arrest when the cops apprehended him.

    Without a death penalty this guy will get to watch daytime TV and wax poetically to other prisoners on massacring a while crying about his status as a victim of the system.

    We need a GULAG system in WI that puts these mooks to work for the state for the rest of their worthless lives. Put this jerk in the woods with a hand saw, link his shackles to a tree and tell him to occupy himself the best way he can for 12 hours in sub-zero temps until the guards comes retrieves his sorry ass.


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