Wave bye-bye to your Cuba legacy, Barry – IOTW Report

Wave bye-bye to your Cuba legacy, Barry

Patriot Retort: Score one for Team America, my friends!

Speaking to a largely Cuban American crowd in Florida, President Trump just cancelled Barack Obama’s surrender deal with the Castro regime in Cuba.

In March of 2016 when Obama went to Cuba to bend over to the Castros, I wrote:

The only thing “historic” about Barack Obama’s unconditional surrender to the Castro Regime is that it is, in fact, an unconditional surrender.

Nothing sums up the victory of the Castros over the world’s sole superpower quite like this photo.

This is limp-wristed leadership from the man who believes his job as President isn’t to defeat those who embrace tyranny, but embrace those who defeat liberty.


But not anymore.

18 Comments on Wave bye-bye to your Cuba legacy, Barry

  1. Of course, the real reason most of the leftists want to open up Cuba is for cheap vacations and even cheaper hookers. It has nothing to do with helping the people there, it’s all about exploiting them.

  2. Every nation buttforked El Maricon Negro because it could. We got the blowby like Lewi’s dress.

    BTW, pls never take down the advert with Alexandra Daddario staring at me.

  3. Very BIGLY of the President. If JFK had manned up and provided air cover at the Bay of Pigs, the Castro Brothers and Che Guevara would have been properly dealt with in 1961. Obama didn’t care about the crimes they committed, he embraced their values. After all, they hated America just like he does.

  4. You have to admit, this whole ‘despotic dictator’ thing has a lot going for it.

    If you’re the Dictator.

    Imagine sitting on top of the whole country and siphoning off the wealth of the whole thing and only a couple of dozen folks at the top to share it among. You could all live like Kings! Even in a shit poor place (how’d that happen?) that depends on other nations for support.

    Probably need to disarm the pissants (Comrades) first though. But that’s easy to do, lot of historical precedent to glean a bit of the old ‘how to’ from.

    The loudmouths that piss you off you can just jail (if you want to feed ’em) or execute. Just call them ‘subversives’, ‘traitors’, ‘terrorists’. Lot of precedent for that shit too.

    Yanno’, I don’t think the human race is really suited for mass government where we set up a system of laws and equal justice under that framework and just agree to live by them.

    Because it seems that there are those the law refuses to touch. And that part ain’t changed in recorded history.

    Thank you Hillary Clinton for serving as the most recent precedent to illustrate why our system of laws and the administration of same are flawed.

    James Comey appeared on TV, in front of this entire nation and rubbed our noses in that little fact. For this alone, he should be awarded a Nobel Prize in Ignored Educational Studies.

    He itemized the felonies committed by a member of the ruling class of the US, in front of the entire nation, and NOTHING was done.

    I guarantee THAT will be in the history books a hundred years hence.

  5. Radical communist professor neighbor went to Cuba. Best thing ever. Now instead of trying to corner me and extolling upon the virtues of communism, he avoids me like the plague. But he did tell others about how badly they got screwed. Wife got food poisoning first day, could NOT GET MEDICAL CARE. Constant shakedowns. Could not get out of there early without exorbitant fees(bribes).

  6. Socialism/Marxism makes sense when you remember what Benedict Comey basically said after he announced that Sir Hillary was not going to be charged with a crime “But don’t any of you drones expect to get away with it like she did”!

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