WAYNE A. ROOT: 33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago – IOTW Report

WAYNE A. ROOT: 33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago

All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”

By Wayne Allyn Root

Yes, you read correctly. There are (so far) 33 friends and relatives dead or sick since our wedding eight months ago. I’ve done the research. All 33 were vaxxed. Every one of them.

This is a “vaccine death and disease cluster.”

This is like the “Love Canal” cancer cluster of the 1970s. It can’t be ignored when you see so many people dead, or very ill in just one group.

But it has nothing to do with our wedding. Open your eyes. This is happening everywhere. Non-Covid deaths are up dramatically in the United States (and all over the world). Life insurance companies report non-Covid deaths are up 40% or more among young, working age Americans. Lincoln National reports death benefit payouts are up over 163% in the year since Covid vaccines came out. These are death increases not seen during World War II.

Read the headlines- every day a new celebrity, actor, rock star, athlete or CEO is dropping dead “suddenly and unexpectedly.” Most of them are way too young to die, or suffer strokes or heart attacks. I’m betting they all have one thing in common- they are VACCINATED. MORE

26 Comments on WAYNE A. ROOT: 33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago

  1. I’ve been monitoring my FB wall of now distant friends and co workers for signs of Covid. Anyone local to the greater Seattle area is vaxxed and boosted. Several have gotten Covid 1+ times-but are thankful they are vaxxed. The usual tripe.

    The one post that stood out was the post about soneone’s brother who moved his family to Texas-fed up with the Seattle area and it’s “weather.” He passed away “suddenly” after a series of strokes, age 51.

    Will his sister who remains in Seattle, put two and two together? No way. She probably thinks the Texas heat killed him.

  2. Just as many here predicted over a year ago. My Army son is 9 months into a forced double vax and no symptoms – yet.

    There are unknowns about the vaxx effects that are going to take years to unravel: how the vaxx is administered; whether much of it enters one’s blood stream or stays in the muscle; the vaxx manufacturer; the vaxx batch number correlated with differences in content (if that ever gets released); differences in people’s individual cellular protein chemistry and tissue type, age, gender, fitness, health, diet, habits, etc.

    This disaster is just getting started…

  3. This is so scary!
    Because people won’t/can’t face the fact that they have been duped and lied to by the government (many of whom were genuinely trying to help), I wonder how long it will truly take until the full truth comes out.

    If people were so afraid of getting Covid that they masked, and social distanced, and got shots and more shots, how much more afraid will they be to face the truth?

    I have family members who are vaxed and boosted and I am afraid for them, as we all are for our loved ones.

  4. something we’ve all known all along… this ‘vaccine’ is a killer

    they’re targeting the ‘great unwashed’ to die off … by any & all means necessary … poison your DNA, poison your pregnancies, poison your reproductive capabilities, confiscate your hard work & wealth, poison your children to reject their birthright

    starting w/ the elimination of the unreasonable unruly ‘western’ unwashed … keeping the ignorant savages, that they imported, on the leash until no longer needed, while grooming their ‘migrants’ to serve their desires

    the native history of Central & South America, before ‘western’ influence is a history of subserviency to an all-powerful human deity … basically the same as China & the rest of Eastern Asia … worship your worldly gods, or bring their wrath down upon you

    they’re gonna Plandemic you into obedience! get the correlation?

    let it smack you between your eyes before it busts you in your ass!

  5. No jabs in our house. I quit warning people and telling them to do research after being dumped by several real life (not social media) long time friends. People do not want to hear it. Their problem and not mine. 2 weeks ago the ER doc told me if I had the jab she would be looking for clots in my legs and lungs. She said it to me after the RN’s and aides left the room. She said when very close and in a whisper.

  6. It’s the sheeples’ duty to die for the shepherd.
    Shearing’s not enough.
    Peons and peasants have been dying at their masters’ whims for thousands of years.
    We’re no different.

    Six thousand years of “civilization” and we’ve learned NOTHING.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. In the (near) future, it will be revealed that those who got the first two shots will need to have an annual or semi-annual ‘booster’ to stay alive. Because, like an addiction, the shot “fixes” you for life.

    IMO, Long Covid is the real Covid, everything else was just a respiratory flu.

  8. Trump:

    Late April: ‘The vaccine is a great thing, and people should take advantage of it’

    Trump told the New York Post: “I’m all in favor of the vaccine. It’s one of the great achievements, a true miracle, and not only for the United States. We’re saving tens of millions of lives throughout the world. We’re saving entire countries.” The5re’s several favorable quotes Trump made concerning the jab. The vax isn’t done with Trump.


    At least DeSantis was smart enough to see that his political career was on the line to endorse the jab. Smart that her went the other way and sided with Trump anti-vaxxers. DeSantis knows which side his bread is buttered.

    Knowing what the jab has done to millions, to still push it is murder.

  9. When people figure out the hospitals protocols were killing their family members as will as the clot shot. There will be hell in to pay.
    I don’t think it’s the first time they’ve done this. Some cancer treatments for the have been killing people, it can worse than the cancer.
    It’s the same in that they give you no choice in the treatment, if you’re going to have anything done, or you can just leave, if you can get out?

  10. THe only person I personally know who died of covid was fully vaxed. My husband,myself and kids didn’t get vaxed. We have all had covid and got over it. I think it’s odd how all these well known people are coming down with covid. I don’t think they were vaxed in the first place they just said they were.

  11. Similar to Ms X, I also was sure many of the “famous” were receiving saline VAXes as theater. But then here they are sick as hell. That poor Ms Hailey Bieber back in the hospital for surgery at 24!
    And what of the latest rumor Biteme is truly sick with more than his usual dementia ? You know the comedians that run the world will laugh themselves sick with a President Cackling Camal. We will have to endure 2 years of “First Woman….”. Oh God.


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