Wayne County Election Board Republicans Sign Affidavits Saying They Were Coerced into Certifying the Election – IOTW Report

Wayne County Election Board Republicans Sign Affidavits Saying They Were Coerced into Certifying the Election

h/t Jerry Manderin, Kevin R

Townhall: Things in Michigan took a dramatic turn Wednesday night when two Republican members of the Wayne County Canvassers signed sworn affidavits saying they were bullied and coerced into certifying the election. The four-member board voted to certify the election on Tuesday night. Originally, the two GOP board members voted no. Roughly two hours later, a unanimous vote came down certifying the results.

According to board chair Monica Palmer and GOP member William Hartmann, the county’s corporate counsel, Janet Anderson-Davis, advised the board members that their job was “ministerial” and any concerns they expressed were outside of the board’s authority.

“After the vote, public comment period began and dozens of people made personal remarks against me and Mr. Hartmann. The comments made accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family. The public comment continued for over two hours and I felt pressured to continue the meeting without a break,” Palmer said in her affidavit.

“Late in the evening, I was enticed to agree to certify based on the promise that a full and independent audit would take place. I would have not have agreed to the certification but for the promise of an audit,” Hartmann said in his affidavit. “Vice-Chairman Jonathan Kinloch then assured us that if we voted to certify the election, a full, independent, and complete audit of Detroit’s election, would be undertaken. I relied on this assurance in coming to an agreement. Without this assurance, I would not have agreed to certify Wayne County on November 17th.”

Hartmann laid out a number of questions and concerns he would like answered before he agrees to certify the election, like why 71 percent of Detroit’s Absent Voter Counting Boards (AVCB) didn’t match, whether the chairperson of each of Detroit’s 134 AVCBs kept logs of shift changes and whether or not the 18,000+ same-day registrations in Detroit were verified as legitimate voters read more

19 Comments on Wayne County Election Board Republicans Sign Affidavits Saying They Were Coerced into Certifying the Election

  1. Brad – I wonder if YT and the AP will get any heat for posting this below every YT video concerning Trump and the elections.
    “U.S. elections
    The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google.
    Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more”

  2. Full Auto — Yes, that’s what I was doing. I am up fairly early here in the PDT zone and the reply function wasn’t working. I kept getting a message from WordPress that my website had suffered some catastrophic error and I was redirected to a WordPress debugging page. I thought, “Oh No! Fur has also been deplatformed by WordPress!” Glad to know that’s not the case.

  3. BB — Well, he has put into place well before the election a committee on election integrity and it seemed he was very prepared for just such an event. Coincidence? Probably not. Maybe this is why the FEC had such a tepid response; they’ve been superceded. Maybe this is why L. Lin Wood and Sydney Powell both managed to have the time to devote 100% of it to these efforts. Maybe this is why both of them came out of the chute saying that had incontrovertable evidence.

  4. The democrats have not provided one scintialla of evidence that they did not use fraud to get more votes than Trump.

    The democrats have not been exonerated of the charges.

  5. They should have held their ground, recorded the threats against themselves, and called the police to escort them out safely. Then called a conservative media company for an interview. That would have spoke volumes.

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