WAYNE ROOT: Greatest Horserace Fixer of All-Time Says Democrats Stole Election. Here’s How. – IOTW Report

WAYNE ROOT: Greatest Horserace Fixer of All-Time Says Democrats Stole Election. Here’s How.

 “Amateur Hour”

By Wayne Allyn Root

I am the only nationally-syndicated conservative talk radio host in America who spent his prior career as a professional gambler and “the King of Vegas Sports Gambling” (as the media dubbed me). But don’t take my word for it. Next time you’re in Vegas, look for my 180- pound granite star on Las Vegas Blvd in front of Paris Resort & Casino.

So, no other conservative media personality has friends like I do. In addition to many of the top GOP politicians, and the President of the United States, my list of buddies includes some “only-in-Vegas” characters- including my buddy “Richie.” Richie is a professional gambler and a convicted horserace fixer.

Back in the day, Richie may have been the greatest and most prolific horserace fixer in history. He fixed over 1,000 horse races for 11 years at every racetrack in California, bribing over 100 different jockeys. Eventually he was convicted and served time in prison.

That was 25 years ago. Today Richie is one of the good guys and a respected member of his community, as well as a noted philanthropist. But Richie still has his street smarts- something no one in Washington DC has. For over 50 years he witnessed the smartest and sharpest scammers and cheaters in the gambling world. No one can spot a scam like Richie. My buddy has a Ph.D. in “the Art of the Steal.”

Richie watched and studied this 2020 presidential election. He calls it “the greatest scam and steal in world history.” He says anyone who denies this election was stolen is either a criminal who was in on the scam; or a bribed politician or bureaucrat who benefits from the scam; or a complete naïve moron.

What does the world’s greatest horserace fixer believe happened on Election Night? Richie says it’s clear that President Trump won in a landslide in key battleground states. Trump won so big in these key states that Democrats who tried to rig the election with millions of fake mail-in ballots had to move quickly to Plan B. Trump was actually winning a rigged election by a mile. Trump beat them so badly in these key states, Democrats needed reinforcements. So, they brought in the cavalry- vans, USPS trucks, even planes filled with fake ballots, in the wee hours of the morning, with no GOP witnesses watching. read more

11 Comments on WAYNE ROOT: Greatest Horserace Fixer of All-Time Says Democrats Stole Election. Here’s How.

  1. I can tell you that KVI, the station Rush was on Seattle back in the early days is all in with selling the Democrat narrative. They have been non stop selling the establishment Republican line of bullshit. The other Seattle pseudo conservative station KTTH is Medved’s home station, enough said.

  2. Lin Wood just threw down on John Roberts

    Lin Wood
    · 2h
    A couple of more questions for Chief Justice John Roberts:

    (1) You are recorded discussing Justice Scalia’s successor before date of his sudden death. How did you know Scalia was going to die?

    (2) Are you a member of any club or cabal requiring minor children as initiation fee?

  3. To misquote an old song, “It don’t mean a thing, if we don’t see them swing!”

    I’ve often said that the biggest disappointment in Trump was that he didn’t “lock her up, along with the rest of the crooks.

    The swamp is getting larger, we see it. We know it; it infuriates us; but it grows.

    It is no longer ‘The Swamp’, it is THE BLOB.

    Just like that horror movie classic, IT ABSORBS DECENCY, honesty, morality, integrity, and EVERYTHING good as it grows.

  4. Lin Wood
    My information from reliable source is that Roberts arranged an illegal adoption of two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein.

    I think we can all agree that Epstein knows pedophilia.

    If only Jeffrey Epstein was still alive . . .

    Wouldn’t that be something?

  5. Think about this: Is Wood trying to sucker Roberts into suing him for slander? If Wood has the goods, Roberts is toast. If Wood is full of shit… well, Wood knows that he could be ruined financially by slandering Roberts. I think Wood has the goods on Roberts.

    I have felt that Roberts was compromised from the get go. That the only reason he faced only token opposition is that the Democrat machine had the goods on him and wanted him confirmed because he would do as told.


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