WAYNE ROOT: What if Obama was President and KKK Terrorists Took Control of American City? – IOTW Report

WAYNE ROOT: What if Obama was President and KKK Terrorists Took Control of American City?

By Wayne Allyn Root-

First, let’s start with the new name of downtown Seattle. The anarchist/communist terrorists call it “CHAZ” for “Capital Hill Autonomous Zone.” I’ve changed the name to “CATZ” for “Communist Anarchist Terrorist Zone.”

I’m talking, of course, about the new “country” formerly known as Seattle. The domestic Antifa terrorists in charge have set up borders, roadblocks and armed guards. They are holding six blocks of an American city hostage. They are extorting money from business owners and homeowners Inside that “no go zone.” There is a crime wave of robberies, assaults and rapes going on inside that “zone” according to the Seattle police. It’s all being run by a “warlord”- a Soundcloud rapper. You can’t make this stuff up.

This insanity is happening in America.

Then there’s the liberal and obviously mentally-ill politicians in charge. The Democrat Governor claims he knows nothing about it. He’s doing his best Sgt Schultz imitation from the old TV series “Hogan’s Heroes.” “I see nothing, I hear nothing. I know nothing.” The Governor makes believe he doesn’t know the biggest city in his state has been seized by communist anarchist terrorists.

The Democrat Mayor of Seattle calls the communist anarchist terrorists “patriotic.” I kid you not.

The leading councilperson in Seattle- also a Democrat- gave the radical terrorists the keys to city hall. Now she’s demanding the police surrender to the terrorists, while introducing legislation to permanently hand six city blocks to domestic terrorists. The lunatics are running the asylum.

This isn’t an American city. It’s “One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest.”

How is this different than a violent bank robbery? When a bank is robbed, do the police surrender and hand the bank permanently to the bank robbers?

How is this different than an Islamic terrorist attack? If Islamic terrorists held a portion of Seattle hostage, wouldn’t we send in the US Marines to take it back? more here

6 Comments on WAYNE ROOT: What if Obama was President and KKK Terrorists Took Control of American City?

  1. Melvin told a story from his childhood. The story was about guerrilla warfare in the news. Grainy video on the TV and the bubble-heads saying time, and time again, “Guerrillas…”.

    He turned to me and asked, “Who the fuck would give a gorilla a machine gun?”

    Same thing with toddlers — who the fuck would grant power to a toddler, much less give it a machine gun?


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