We are all Americans – IOTW Report

We are all Americans

Don’t Let Them Divide Us!

h/t American Digest.

28 Comments on We are all Americans

  1. We are ALL Americans…with NO hyphen!

    The early immigrants worked hard to remove the hyphen they were labeled with, but today’s power hungry democrats are working harder to bring it back – and the division that it represents.

    Fuck you dimmicrats!!!

    p.s. that was a GREAT ad

  2. Beautiful! I was just thinking this morning about how we should all put being American first, but I don’t mind the video… Asian, African, etc. It’s making the point that we who are Americans should be united in the cause of making it a better place for all and I was reminded of how Americans came together during/after the attacks on the world trade center to save,protect and heal the lives of those immediately affected. We were for a moment a brotherhood of Americans as we should ever be.

  3. As an Irish, German, British American, I don’t appreciate being lumped in with the other “European” Americans, especially when the friggin’ Degos got their own hyphenated American name….and don’t get me started on the Pollocks….

  4. @Different Tim –

    “…Nice message. Now explain all the low down, mud sucking, snot eating commie agitators. Where do they fit in?…”

    They don’t, they are misfits. That’s why they are commie agitators.

  5. @Chuckie – I understand how the Japanese side of your family came into the picture – probably during, or shortly after, WWII. But how the hell did they let the French in? Oh wait a minute, it’s the whole liberation and gratitude thing. Nevermind.

    Just kidding! I’m not a bigot, I promise. Just havin’ fun

  6. Stirrin – I know you aren’t, besides I have thick skin. Mine was tongue in cheek when I said it. My dad was stationed at Kadena AB and met my mom there…that was in early 60’s.

    As for the French part of me…who the hell knows…haha But I do like butter in my cooking. Oddly, I suck at math…go figure.

  7. The problem we have here is that the US is a good place to leave and people don’t recognize it yet. They are fleeing New york and San Francisco and other cities. That is where it starts. It is all downhill from here.
    Maybe someone says that will not happen out here in small town USA, or we will fight, or whatever. That is a delusion. The right does not fight. It surrenders. How much more surrendering does the right have to do before you believe it. They are surrendering right and left and front and back and all over the place.

    This country is on the downslope. It is going to pot. I don’t know where there will be a spot for freedom, but there will surely be one somewhere and it ain’t here. Maybe Switzerland. They have a good government system, even though their central bank is not so good. But the way i see it, that’s about the only alternative right now.

    I am too old to make a new life somewhere else. But if i was younger, I would absolutely leave this country. It is washed up. The left runs it and anyone has to be blind to not see it.

    That’s all.

  8. I thought this thread might be over, but maybe not. We have a troll – Harrison. “Harrison,” you’re a POS. I hope you end your last days in the kind of circumstances you wish for others now.

  9. Great how they started with the hypen’d americans and then it slowly disappeared into just…AMERICAN. Were the Irish mentioned? Who foukin’ cares?

    This has NOTHING to do with COLOR but to do with VALUES given to us by our parents and grand parents and God. Does God discriminate by giving one person a color and me another? OF COURSE NOT.

    Similar shared VALUES!!! Some use to call it a Social Compact or Contract.

    @Harrison Bounel – not sure where you live BUT I get the city thing but Switzerland is NOT the solution and they have only so much land and way too mountainous.

    I’m still up for giving somewhere in the States a place for some kind of final stand, before death of course…

  10. Somebody pretty smart said, “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.’ I believe that. I’m not leaving, and I’m not rolling over.

  11. MAGAA– Make Americans Great Americans Again.

    From someone the left would try to label as : English-Irish-German–‘Merican-Indian-Scots–Welch with a chance there’s another branch or two.. Reaching back to the colonial frontier era.


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