“We are being invaded by the Swiss!” – IOTW Report

“We are being invaded by the Swiss!”

h/t forcibly rearranged.

10 Comments on “We are being invaded by the Swiss!”

  1. No wait, it’s not the Swiss, it’s a math equation. Let me see…blank plus blank, plus plank, plus blank, equals…? Oh shit, I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s a big effing number.

  2. Admittedly I have lost my sense of humor temporarily.

    But. Americans have voluntarily surrendered to a group of opportunistic governors.

    I am in no mood for humor. It’s time to seize our liberties back.

    Or do we get our rights, not from God, but from government?

    Shut down my state, business, restaurants, churches, until June? So as to destroy Trump?

    It’s time for action. I’m mad as hell.

    Jocularity time is over.

    We’ll have a good laugh about this once the enemies of freedom have been vanquished.


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