‘We Are The Champions’ and other morally backward lyrics – IOTW Report

‘We Are The Champions’ and other morally backward lyrics

The People’s Cube

A letter to the editor of Progress Collective Farm Pravda from a lowly member of the collective.

This morning the one-channel people’s radio on my tractor transmitted a song “We Are The Champions.” I took a sip of my beet vodka ration, observed the weeds flourishing in our Progress Collective Farm, and wondered why this song’s meaning had always escaped me. My co-pilot lay in the ditch, drunk, and I didn’t feel like plowing the field by myself like some wretched bourgeois individualist. Why kill myself working while others are having so much fun?

The radio kept playing: “I need to go on and on, and on, and on… We are the champions, my friends… and we’ll keep on fighting ’til the end…” And then it dawned on me: this song has everything backwards!

Since when do we brag about our achievements? How come success is a worthy goal? Aren’t we supposed to simply enjoy the process and never mind the outcome? Shouldn’t we welcome our share of sand kicked in our faces? Doesn’t “Progress” mean that we go where everybody else is going because we’re told to, and when we arrive, progress ends and we die? That’s the only meaning our lives are permitted to have.
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6 Comments on ‘We Are The Champions’ and other morally backward lyrics

  1. That song always got under my skin. It may sound odd, but the sour note is that “the” in front of “champions”.

    Being an ardent individualist I’d have much preferred:


    …but I suppose that’s harder to work into song lyrics.

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