We Are The World’s Energy Superpower – IOTW Report

We Are The World’s Energy Superpower


Powerline: This Wall Street Journal article is heartwarming:

The U.S. will overtake Russia to become the world’s largest oil producer by 2023, accounting for most of the global growth in petroleum supplies, a top industry monitor said Monday.

U.S. crude production is expected to reach a record of 12.1 million barrels a day in 2023, up about 2 million barrels a day from this year, said the International Energy Agency, which advises governments and corporations on industry trends. American oil output will surge past Russia, currently the world’s largest crude producer at about 11 million barrels a day.

…Once heavily dependent on imports from the Middle East, the U.S. is getting closer to achieving its goal of producing enough crude to meet domestic demand for refined products like gasoline.

Of the 6.4 million new barrels of oil that will be pumped every day between now and 2023, almost 60% will come from the U.S., the IEA said.

American influence on global oil markets is also expected to rise, with U.S. oil exports more than doubling to 4.9 million barrels a day by 2023, according to the IEA. Until 2015, the U.S. didn’t export any crude oil by law, but in five years it is expected to be among the world’s biggest exporters.

Fracking saved the Obama administration, its only baleful effect. Other than that, the U.S.’s emerging energy dominance is one of the great developments of recent times. It is ironic that our myopic press obsesses on trivialities like Russians posting on Facebook, while largely ignoring the geopolitical implications of the policies that are freeing up U.S. energy production.  more here

8 Comments on We Are The World’s Energy Superpower

  1. Freedom and Liberty give birth to Innovation and Enterprise.
    Funny how nobody can seem to put it together – except President Trump.
    The rest of the world is still sucking the socialist/totalitarian teat, rotting from the poison, and hating us for our success (which is why their sycophants and lickspittles are so viciously trying to destroy us).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Too bad the Wall Street Journal published this. Now the Democrat (We Hate America) party will target the oil industry for destruction even more.

    What a bunch of Volgons.

  3. Wyatt, wasn’t it the Volgons who destroyed the Earth in order to make for a hyperspace bypass in The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy? So you’re saying that the democraps are just like the Volgons and will destroy anything that stands in their way of their progressive wet dreams. Just like their ideological soul mates, the commies.

  4. @Geoff: Bingo. Sluglike, dimwitted, fond of slogans, destructive, enamored with paperwork, no personal initiative and in love with bureaucracy. Douglas Adams seemed to have the Democrat party in mind when he created his Volgons.

  5. The Green River Formation of Shale Oil holds over 3 TRILLION barrels of oil…says the USGS. About half recoverable under current methods, making the US the largest reserve of oil in the world…. surpassing ALL other countries COMBINED. This is before we get into all the stuff they haven’t admitted yet.

  6. Just think, most of this production came off of private lands. Once the Federal Lands are opened up for exploration, the U.S.A.’s oil and gas production will become bigger than any place on earth. Peak Oil is centuries away now.

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