We are Winning! – IOTW Report

We are Winning!


RESOLVED: Comments sections need to go

As someone who has spent almost the entirety of the last decade writing online, I’ve dedicated vast amounts of time trying to find a way to make the comments section of The Fix the sort of edifying conversation I always imagined it could be. And I am here to report that, at least when it comes to politics, comments section are not now (and likely won’t be any time soon) anywhere close to that ideal. In fact, eliminating comments entirely — a prospect I have always blanched at — may well be the best thing that could happen for the average reader of political news.


Translation: We just lost the midterms. Something is wrong with our control of the narrative.

ht/ jerry manderin


23 Comments on We are Winning!

  1. If your article can’t stand the heat of the comments section, your argument likely sucks.

    Or you do. Or both.

    Take your medicine like a big boy, okay? Don’t shut down the whole magilla because you’re a mush-minded asshat.

  2. Right. Over at politico (politico!) comments against CBC “Hands up–don’t shoot” stunt on House floor hit over 1000 before progtards could muster a single response. They have woken the sleeping Tiger. So no more comments!

  3. Run Away! Run Away!

    Like all tyrants, they’re cowards when stripped of their mindless cannon fodder. What’s wrong WaPo, Media Matters kick you off their email list?

  4. The WAPO, and elmo, believe they have a mandate from mid-term nonvoters. Ludicrous, foolish, insane, idiotic, crazy – the election was a wake up call and we’re laughing at them.

  5. trillions in deficits as far as the eye can see
    tens of millions un/underemployed
    drug legalization
    continued assault by 3rd worlders
    “marriage” for the queers
    hundreds of thousands MORE govt employees

  6. The comments section is the best part of any article to read. I do enjoy pissing off the liberals. I love it when the liberals get punched down in the comments section. A commenter the other day told me that he was going to turn me in for my comment. The feds haven’t showed up yet, guess they agreed with my comment! πŸ™‚

  7. β€œIt is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ― Aristotle, Metaphysics

    Liberals are incapable of handling dissent.

  8. Just doing what Yahoo did for their “world” correspondent, the putrid/perky, KayTee Cure-ick! No comments allowed on her puffery/buffoonery – probably in her contract. MUST PROTECT LIBDORKS from any critique!

    They’re such fragile little snowflakes, ya know.

  9. The leftist propagandists posing as journalists are losing control of the narrative, and they can’t stand it. I lambaste the hacks at every opportunity. They richly deserve all the grief we can serve up to them.

  10. The comments sections are always a good indicator of how smart your readership is. That being said, the Washington Post comments section doesn’t present a flattering view of Washington Post readers. I don’t blame them if they shut it down.

  11. You’ll need a permit, or a license, to comment.

    Keep your eyes on Academia, they’re already talking about curtailing “Free Speech” of the political or “hurtful” sort.

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