‘We believe the survivors. Unless they fought in Benghazi’ – IOTW Report

‘We believe the survivors. Unless they fought in Benghazi’

WaTimes: Robert O’Neill, the famous Navy SEAL who helped kill Osama bin Laden, says the “believe survivors” refrain surrounding Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accuser is never used in conjunction with the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.

The SEAL Team 6 member who took out the United States’ most wanted terrorist during operation Neptune’s Spear added some military perspective this weekend to the controversy surrounding President Trump’s top pick to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Mr. O’Neill asked his social media followers why sexual misconduct allegations — like those leveled by California college professor Christine Blasey Ford towards Judge Kavanaugh — are supposed to be believed wholesale by the public, while Benghazi terror attack survivors like Kris Paronto are seemingly ignored.

“We believe the survivors. Unless they fought in Benghazi,” he wrote Saturday.  MORE

4 Comments on ‘We believe the survivors. Unless they fought in Benghazi’

  1. When even the Great Leader’s off the books, no law/no honor, famous for murdering crippled, old, brown prisoners, of non-Christian, Mideastern religions, and having their remains stuffed in an oven, cheers our cause, in public, you know we’re finally gaining traction. Huzzah!

  2. For the last several weeks, the SJC Republican majority has been a piñata for activist Democratic lawyers, who keep demanding delay after delay. It’s time to go on offense. If this hearing was delayed by false representations by Ford’s attorneys and withholding information from their client, there may be grounds for the SJC to file a grievance with the DC Bar. If I were in the SJC majority, I’d be exploring those right now.
    h/t to the fed

  3. In the last 60 years I have known 6 Froggies/SEALS To a man all good men! Some proved that “greater love has no man than…” Gone from this world, but not my mind!

    I know not Bob – But I think he also is a good man. A man of courage!

    Hoooooo Yaaaaaa!


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