We Can End Stupid Celebrity Cause Videos – IOTW Report

We Can End Stupid Celebrity Cause Videos

Newsbusters: Americans are infatuated with celebrities, but unfortunately for the Left, that love doesn’t translate into a popular landslide for the liberal point of view.

Celebrity millionaires love to pose as compassionate citizens for the cameras, and it doesn’t matter if anything changes. Remember the video made by actors Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher pledging to serve the public and Obama?


“I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama,” said rock singer Anthony Kiedis as he kissed his biceps, right and left. It concluded with Moore saying “I pledge to be a servant to our president,” and Kutcher added “And to all mankind.” In a crowd, the celebrities chanted “Because together we can, together we are, together we will be the change that we seek.”

Movie stars with large “carbon footprints” who jet around the world to film festivals ridiculously pledged “to reduce my use of plastic!…to no longer use the plastic bags at the grocery store.” Actor Jason Bateman pledged to flush his toilet only after a “number two,” and never a number one. No one was going to check that pledge.

Speaking of pledges, Moore’s marriage to Kutcher (her third) crumbled before Obama’s second term. – more here

20 Comments on We Can End Stupid Celebrity Cause Videos

  1. Ripe for OKeefing. Set up a front corporation hawking some prog cause du jour, rope in actors to donate their star power, hand them some hack cliches to mumble, then put out a video of nothing but flubbed line outtakes.

  2. It’s always amazed me how anyone can take advice from people who can’t wind a watch without a personal assistant, personal trainer, house-keepers, chauffeurs, consultants, analysts and psychiatrists, who live life through the revolving door of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers, yet will gladly preach to everyone else on the planet what to eat, how to raise yer kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of Gay electric clown-car to drive (while they ride in limousines) and, of couse, who to vote for who inevitably turns out to be a colossal cluster-fuck who will give away everything he doesn’t own!

  3. I also can’t stand celebrities “raising awareness” of some problem or other. It’s a great way to look good without getting your hands dirty.

    Stop “raising awareness” of breast cancer for example. That didn’t help me when I was struggling to get to my daily radiation appointments every day. You could have sent your chauffeur to pick me up instead.

  4. It all started with the Concert for Biafra with George Harrison etc. in the 70’s, then We are the world in the 80’s, MTV, Farm aid concerts etc. and the rest of the liberal feel good, we’re better than you because we care and you don’t guilt trips foisted on us by the left and celebutards in order to raise consciousness of the plight of the poor and unfortunate who live among us. I call BS, I’m sick of these phonies and wish they’d just go away and leave us and our consciences alone already. They’re like the Pharisees who do all their good deeds in front of man to get all the praise and glory and accolades while really doing nothing but being showoffs and buttinskis.

  5. I was looking for the linked column to actually propose a way to end these insufferable PSA’s / Obama love letters.

    About the only solution to make a mockery of celebs who appear in these things.

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