“We can’t afford four more years” of Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

“We can’t afford four more years” of Kamala Harris

Said Tim Walz. LOL

16 Comments on “We can’t afford four more years” of Kamala Harris

  1. Definitional gaffe, Kinsley style. Things to note: It went off, it was noted, it was called out here. No one is tearing themselves up denying it or trying to rephrase or otherwise moderate or mitigate the stupid utterance.


    The owners know they have the election wrapped up, with a nice pink and blood dripping bow atop Timmy’s signature used tampon.

  2. ^^^^^ I watch Chris Williamson clips often, that rare bird who embraces the stuff he does not know and has a passion to rectify it.

    It is interesting, terrifyingly so, to compare the methods Mao and Pol Pot used to transform society to what the Democrats are doing more. Weinstein talks about earing memories, what the Dems do is rewrite history. Instead of killing off the intelligentsia (lawyers, doctors, teachers) what the dems have done (much more insipid and diabolical) is indoctrinate in the early years thru the public education system so that they do not need to be killed, just persuaded and made a ready and willing tool.

  3. ^^^^^^^
    That video just makes it even clearer to me that the election is a formality. They’ve already won. Or more accurately they’ve already installed their regime. If we catch them at the big cheat, so what. We have some trying times immediately in front of us.

  4. “They’ve already won. Or more accurately they’ve already installed their regime.”

    Could not agree more.

    The power play unfolding is the most audacious political move this country has ever witnessed.

    The 2020 foray was a test; run an antiseptic candidate and commit massive voter fraud, mission accomplished. But this is even more insipid and diabolical. Put some one in who no one voted for, pick the most divisive unqualified anti-American person you can think of and say ,”Here you go, you don’t like her? Fuck off. You think your vote matters? Don’t make me laugh. This is our circus and we don’t need no stinkin’ monkeys. we decide the process, we are the process”. And the Republicans never win another major election again.

  5. Homeland Security, with no authority, has put the Secret Service in charge of “protecting” the electoral college vote, assigning it a critical event status. What ever that is. So we have armed members of the current administration telling us who won.
    On the other hand, I’ve read a couple threat analysis guys say that
    if Trump should get elected what will follow will look like a civil war because the left and certain parts of the federal government will not accept it. And they will be actively hunting conservatives. With some of the pink haired Karen’s I’ve met I can believe that. Either scenario is going to push a lot of people out of their comfort zone.

  6. Bad Brad / Rich Taylor – I agree that the left believe they can install anyone into power. Recent history backs them up – and then some -> “Basement Biden…”

    However, I wouldn’t ignore Trump’s ability to turn things in his, and our, favor. His abilities, confidence and planning – supported by the Lord Himself (my belief, which is also based on facts) – can destroy their plans. I believe Trump has been raised to be the savior of the most powerful nation in human history.

    Maybe a bit over-the-top, but plausible nevertheless.

  7. ^^^^^ About once a week the wife asks me ,”Does Trump have a chance?”. My response is usually the same ,”We will do our part and pray that enough people see what’s happening and come to their senses. But the Democrats play Calvin-ball, making up rules on the fly and no one seems to care.”

  8. ^^^^
    You mean like the DOJ announcing to the entire world that DJT has a price on his head today? If thing continue to escalate the DOJ will put up their own money.
    What Trump does have is momentum. And it’s building.
    “Maybe a bit over-the-top,” Not at all.


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