We Can't Say We Weren't Warned – IOTW Report

We Can't Say We Weren't Warned

The Guardian-

“We have the means to limit climate change,” said Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). “The solutions are many and allow for continued economic and human development. All we need is the will to change.”

The report, which the IPPC is releasing in Copenhagen on Sunday, is the work of thousands of scientists and was agreed after negotiations by all the world’s governments. It is the first IPCC report since 2007 to bring together all aspects of tackling climate change and for the first time states: that it is economically affordable; that carbon emissions will ultimately have to fall to zero…

Stop breathing everybody!!!

“For scientists, conservative by nature, to use ‘serious, pervasive, and irreversible’ to describe the effects of climate falls just short of announcing that climate change will produce a zombie apocalypse plus random beheadings plus Ebola.” Breaking the power of the fossil fuel industry would not be easy, McKibben said. “But, thanks to the IPCC, no one will ever be able to say they weren’t warned.”

“Rich governments must stop making empty promises and come up with the cash so the poorest do not have to foot the bill for the lifestyles of the wealthy,” said Harjeet Singh, from ActionAid.

They are looking right at you America!!!


19 Comments on We Can't Say We Weren't Warned

  1. It drives me nuts when I see the alarmists showing pictures of the power plant cooling towers! That is steam (water) that evaporates from them as part of the energy conversion cycle, which boots the efficiency of the turbines that turn the generators. The “smoke” from the smoke stacks is also steam that is from the scrubbers that keep particulate pollutants (not CO2) from escaping.

  2. More anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism propaganda. Nothing to see here. They think that by redistributing wealth, and ultimately abolishing private property rights altogether they’ll “save the planet”.

    After all, as the smartest man in the world said, I can’t drive an SUV or set my thermostat at the temperature I want. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that I can’t have an SUV or thermostat. And there are brownshirt thugs who are perfectly willing to take it from me.

    Guess they haven’t realized that communist countries like most of Africa and China are the worlds biggest polluters. When there is no private property, there’s no incentive to conserve or care for the environment,

  3. It’s all about redistribution of wealth and power.

    You will know when it’s real to them when you see those limousine liberals moving out of their mansions and into micro houses.

    It’s all noise.

  4. Why don’t the rich just DO it then, everyone else be damned. Why keep jamming this all down our throats? Cut off all hydrocarbon farming (you know the stuff the world runs on and makes people rich), NOW, for God sake, the children!

  5. We’ve been warned for over 20 years with short term predictions that fizzled. They sharpened up and have put climate Armageddon way out there so they can whip us into a frenzy while not having to prove anything, I do hope they will allow me to build a fire in my cave so I don’t freeze in the dark while starving to death.

  6. “… and come up with the cash …”

    This is the operative phrase of the entire Anthropogenic Globaloney Warming narrative.

    An Extortionist Hoax: plain, simple, and obvious.

    Funny how many will worship at the altar of Mammon, while denying the existence of God.

  7. This is great news! I can’t wait to see the devices those ‘thousands of scientists” come up with to eliminate greenhouse gasses from forest fires and volcanoes!

  8. “All we need is the will to change.”

    ….and all America needs is the will to abolish the UN; ….and the EPA; ….and the IRS.

    These bureaucracies hunt the populace down and impose their draconian measures on us and we just bend over and take it.

    We never see our attackers until it comes in the form of a bill in the mail. I suggest we apply the same tactic never let them see it coming, either.

    There’s only one answer for all of this to end in any meaningful way; they need to fear us more than we fear them.

    Applying for, and accepting employment with any of these organizations needs to be thought of as being a terminal relationship with the American people.

  9. I wonder…. I wonder what all the pot legalizing wannabes will do when they are either forced to give up the gonga or merely let it grow and not smoke it to prevent the release of the carbon it has captured?

    It IS a scheme, pure and simple, to defraud people of wealth and power.

  10. One of the greater sources of CO2 on Earth is termites. Now, how do you suppose we get the termites to quit farting?

    Termite Beano?

    Come to think of it, the fukkin Indians smell like they’re producing a helluva lot of CO2, too.

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