‘We Don’t Do Deportation Here’: CA Dem Battles Tucker on Blocked Trump Order – IOTW Report

‘We Don’t Do Deportation Here’: CA Dem Battles Tucker on Blocked Trump Order

 (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

FOX: Tucker Carlson sparred with a California Democrat over the validity of a judge’s decision to block President Trump’s order withholding funds from sanctuary cities.

Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese said Trump’s order was “riddled with problems” and that the judge rightly upheld the Constitutional rights of sanctuary city residents.

He said Trump was violating the people’s right to ‘due process regardless of status’, and unlawfully telling local governments what to do.

“So, you’re saying because you don’t like a law, you don’t have to obey it but taxpayers have to send you money,” Carlson said.

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9 Comments on ‘We Don’t Do Deportation Here’: CA Dem Battles Tucker on Blocked Trump Order

  1. What an ignorant lying POS that guy was. It was like Tucker was arguing with a magic eight-ball. No matter what Tucker said the guy just parroted back one of about ten sentences at random with no regard whatsoever for the question being asked or the context.

  2. Brad,

    You and I both know it zipped through the democrats’ ears faster than you can say Berkeley breeds communists.

    A for effort on Tucker’s part, though. But nothing will get better in CA.

    The best way to effect change is to move from CA and let it devastate itself with good intentions while us producing people take our effort and our tax money to a freer state.


    The issue here is what California and other Libtard encampments are doing have national implication. If that ass hat doesn’t know what Trump is doing is totally Constitutional he should move to France. So in the particular case no matter what state you live in this ass hat is effecting you. Carlson kicked his ass, and he knew it. By the way the word is Trump admin wrote this in such away to lure these idiots out. The EU actually accomplished nothing. I think Trumps up to something good.

  4. How can jackasses like dave cortese continue to get away with an organized effort to tear this country down. The judicial branch and the media must be held accountable for allowing this to go on. God Damn, I’m so pissed off about this crap! May Day is coming, sanctuary cities will be places worth avoiding.

  5. @ Ralph
    I heard Rush lay the whole thing out pretty simplistically too. To shut these ideological a-hole politicians up simply say on September 30, 1996 BJ Clinton passed into law the exact law that this douche says doesn’t exist. It states that all federal funding can be withheld if cities choose to ignore or not cooperate with federal immigration law.

  6. Brad,

    The establishment doesn’t believe in the US Constitution. It doesn’t matter to them what Trump does – constitutional or not.

    These California politicians thrive on anarchy and $$$. They can’t survive without either. Escaping CA for me would accomplish two things against them; removing their tax base, and preventing me from eventually killing one of these assholes out of pure frustration (which is exactly what they want).

    Starve the beast.

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