We Drank All The Trendy Light Beers So You Don’t Have To – IOTW Report

We Drank All The Trendy Light Beers So You Don’t Have To

WFB: Forty years ago, Anheuser-Busch revolutionized the beer world with the Bud Light. Now, they’re trying to make history again with even lighter beer.

The brewery this month released Bud Light NEXT, the first ever zero-carb beer. It’s an effort to combat the spike of the hard seltzers and ciders that have lured calorie-conscious drinkers in recent years, by offering them a “beer” with similar characteristics.

I think I speak for everyone at the Washington Free Beacon when I say the rapid transformation of beer into water is an affront to God and man alike. But there are plenty of situations where it makes sense to pass up the King of Beers for something a bit more princely.

Maybe you’re an aging frat boy trying to lose weight so your wife will spend less time with her tennis instructor. Maybe you’re just an ordinary dude about to embark on a several-hour marathon of throwing back beers and need something to wet your palate before you get into the good stuff. Or maybe you’re just a sissy. more here

41 Comments on We Drank All The Trendy Light Beers So You Don’t Have To

  1. Yuengling Black and Tan. Actually, I think it was Kcir who told me about them when there was a thread about Guinness or Guinness became the main mention in the beer topic?? Anywho, I stated I like Guinness and would like to find a cheaper version and Yuengling was mentioned. Pretty sure it was Kcir…if so thanks dude.

  2. There is a Bud mega brewery about 25 miles from where I live. The brew masters make a small run of specialty beers every year, It’s not for sale, it’s given to the employees.

    It’s real beer. It’s lovely. Usually an ale, usually quite dark. They do labels and cartons and all that.

    Perhaps the corp does that so the guys that make Bud don’t end up committing suicide from churning out the same thing year after year,

  3. Yuengling Light is My Beer…One Distributor said They are Phasing it out for

    “Flight” I hope not.

    Miller Lite was the original Lite Beer…First served in My Hometown of

    Springfield , Illinois. At O’Malley’s Bar March of 1977(or 78) It was a

    Weird Bar…During normal hours it was a trendy Place to have a Cocktail…But,

    They had a 3AM License (Rare at the time) and after 10 PM it turned into a

    Knife and Gun Club…Funny Article though.

    Bud Light didn’t hit the Scene until 1983..And was My go to Beer for 30+

    Years..Until They sh*t all over America in not one, but two Superbowl Ads

    featuring seth rogan and amy schumer(fuck those guys)

    Making the switch to Bourbon in Ten Minutes…Lookout Internet !!!

  4. ” … the rapid transformation of beer into water is an affront to God and man alike.”

    Andhows YourBush, & most all big American beer co.’s, have been turning beer into water since they started using rice instead of malted barley … which was a long time before they introduced even crappier ‘light’ beer

    Corona Light? …. seriously??? like pouring air from a bottle

  5. Liquid bread?

    Normally, I’d rather eat the bread – with wine. (Okay, or with gin w/lime, also acceptable.)

    Unless it’s summertime. Then it’s got to be most any Scottish red ale.

  6. I served in Germany for six and a half years. After enjoying German and Czech beer, I couldn’t ever stomach American beer again. That is one of the reasons I quit drinking in 1988. The best beer I ever had, and most of my buddies agreed, was Budvar, sold here now as Czechvar. And what is the point of drinking beer if it has to be light beer?

  7. There’s some micro breweries putting out some excellent beer. I’m not an IDPA fan. Which a lot of the Micro Breweries seem to specialize in. But there’s a few doing some Icelandic Porters which I love. I found just such a Micro Brewery at one of our local specialty stores. They had a booth set up and you could taste test their various brews. The name of the Brewery is “Farmers Brewery”. Out of NorCal, on the coast. A tasty smooth product. Then I noticed their slogan, “Put Your Lips On A Farmer”. Not plural. WTF over? So’s I tell the guy, dude your catch phrase literally sucks. He says, are you homophobic. Now I’m pissed, I tell him if that means I don’t like something suggesting I put my lips on another guys dick, yea, I’m homophobic. I might have called him a faggot, but before I left I said “Get Woke Go Broke”. Started walking away and he called me back and tells me his wife ordered 50,000 cans for each brew with that catch phrase. I suggested he limit his marketing to San Fransisco until they ran out of those cans. He handed me a six pack of “Winter Migration” before I left. On the house. I hope they get their shit together because I broke down and purchased two cases of that stuff.

  8. In the winter I like Guinness or a Porter. Summertime I go lighter, Stella is good, I don’t mind Bud, once I was in Las Vegas and I was so hot I even drank I Coors Light, but I did it in one gulp then got a Stella.

  9. “You guys live in a different world than I do. In my world beer is too expensive. I pass for that reason only.”

    Do you live in NorCal? Or close? If so ask BFH for my e mail address and hit me up.

  10. Mary Hatch – Narragansett Cream Ale…to me, another good summer beer, especially after lawn work.

    As for going lefty, hell, there isn’t much I buy with all these damn companies going “woke.” Been buying off brand stuff at the stores, but who knows if the larger, woke companies sell it to the smaller stores at a cheaper, re-badged price. If I ever see a brand marked “Beer” and nothing else it’s going in the shopping cart.

  11. I drank Coors light, but beer doesn’t interest me any more. I gave away all of my whisky except a few to my nephew about six years ago. He got some really nice stuff there.

  12. I may have posted this idea here in the past.

    My idea was a brew called Fireblast Ale, a good brew but with some heat in it, like Texas Cowboy sauce. The Cartoon on the bottle would be a grinning skeletonized soldier holding a flamethrower with the tank on his back and a stream of fire coming the tube. Underneath the cartoon it would say: “The Hottest Cold Beer You’ve Ever Had”.

  13. Coors used to be good when they first imported it to the Right Coast. had a distinct flavor. then they started to filter their water (or the military started polluting the Golden River) & now it tastes like every other crap rice adjunct brewed beer. Coors Light? … might as well drink any other piss-light beer

    @Erik ~ like some of the Flying Dog stuff … they emphasis on the over-hopped IPA’s though … not my ‘cup of tea’, so to speak.
    found a great local brewery … Mully’s … that has monthly taste-testing of all their latest creations, from light lagers to heavy Russian Stouts … 6 samples for $5
    (probably get flagged by the NSA for being a Putin sympathizer for mentioning ‘Russian’)

  14. Phil said Double Dogs tasted like junk yard auto parts steeped in burned up motor oil.

    I thought they were the best beer on the planet… especially when they were hot from sitting in the back of the Suburban. To each his own.

  15. Changing the topic slightly from beer to wine, Fess Parker has a winery and several years ago we bought a Cab from his winery and i had a glass first and wasn’t real impressed. A few minutes later I poured my wife a glass, and she really had a bad reaction to it. Scrunched up her face, tried to spit, finally said it taste like a coon skin cap. He probably makes a fine wine, but that bottle wasn’t so good.

  16. I used to like Rolling Rock until they sold out to Labatt’s, then to Anheuser-Busch. When I was young I drank a lot of Genesee Beer and Cream Ale, brewed from sparking Hemlock Lake water (aka Rochester tap water), which isn’t bad for cheap American beer.


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