We hate Wham!’s ‘Last Christmas’ — so we’re fundraising to get it off the air forever – IOTW Report

We hate Wham!’s ‘Last Christmas’ — so we’re fundraising to get it off the air forever

NYP: They want this to be the last Christmas they hear this song.

Tomas Mazetti, 50, and his wife, Hannah, 33, have reportedly raised more than $62,000 to buy the rights to Wham!’s “Last Christmas” — so they can take it off the air for good.

Hannah said her hatred of the 1984 tinsel tune began 13 years ago when she worked in a cafe in Oxford, England, where her boss allegedly played the cheer-worm on repeat.

“I was studying English and worked extra to pay the bills. The owner of the cafe had planned for a super cozy holiday season and had his own-made CD with a number of ‘hits’ on it,” Hannah, a painter who lives in Sweden, recalled to SWNS.

“He was only in now and then, so he didn’t fully appreciate the agony the rest of the staff felt when ‘Last Christmas’ played for the 111th time of the working day.” more

28 Comments on We hate Wham!’s ‘Last Christmas’ — so we’re fundraising to get it off the air forever

  1. The song sucks, as do all of Wham’s “music”. However, you can choose to tune it out – you don’t have to focus on it.

    I just wish I could tune out how much our government is jacking us over…


  2. I like your plan, Mr. and Mrs. Mazetti!

    Could you please add Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer to the “do not play” list?

    Oh, yeah, and Imagine, too, while you’re at it.

  3. I can’t stand Wham.

    There is a Beer Hall/Polka version by Die Draufganger – Last Christmas on Y-tube that is actually quite good. The female singer is spectacular.
    You may also like: It’s My Life, Johnny Deere, & Looking for Freibier.

    Its FUN!

    Merry Christmas All!

  4. @Goldenfoxx — There certainly are worse songs; we all have our little lists. But we each of us come up with our own individual pet peeves. Maybe we should all proclaim our inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Non-Unhappiness! (-:

  5. I’d contribute to rid the world of the movie Christmas Story. Don’t know that I’ve ever heard the song, but it couldn’t be any worse than that Goddamn movie. Nobody is allowed on my property with a DVD of the damn thing or a Costco apple pie. No exceptions.

  6. Monkey
    DECEMBER 25, 2022 AT 12:04 PM
    “play free bird man…..”

    I got your ‘free bird’ right HERE.

    (Holds up middle finger)

  7. Really?!? 😑

    “Grandma got run over by a Reindeer” and any Xmas tune with Alvin and the Chipmunks “singing” is WAY worse.

    May a neighbor next door sync their Xmas light show with “Christmas Wrapping” by the Waitresses. That is my Christmas wish for this couple.

  8. When I worked for a company that sold Broadcast equipment and we started displaying such at trade shows and playing music we had a rule: don’t play anything you like because you’d always tune in to it and hate it by the time the show was over; don’t play anything you hate because you would still hear it in the background and it would eat at you; play songs you didn’t care about so it is easy to ignore them.

    Speaking of songs you don’t want to hear, just about every time I turn on the ‘60’s channel on Sirius/XM when I am in the car they play Cara Mia by Jay and the Americans. That is a song I could hear maybe once every twenty years and still think it is too often.

  9. The lead vocalist, Mike something or other, used to (before dying) check himself into a hotel as Hugh Jarse, maybe hoping to find birds of a feather amongst the hotel staff.

  10. Not only is that Paul McCartney so g the worst Christmas song, I would say it is the worst song ever.
    I want the local Christmas music station to play AC/DC’s Mistress for Christmas.

  11. Critic at the Skynyrd concert: They started out with a song that wasn’t Free Bird. And then they played five more tunes that were not Free Bird. And then they played two more songs that weren’t Free Bird…

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