“We have come to bury The Weekly Standard, not to praise it” – IOTW Report

“We have come to bury The Weekly Standard, not to praise it”


Kurt Schlichter of The Rebel.Media reports: The Weekly Standard ran into the iceberg that is Never Trump and is sinking. Here’s the thing – conservatism does not grow by exclusion.

10 Comments on “We have come to bury The Weekly Standard, not to praise it”

  1. You can’t tell me that shilling for wars that never end and that don’t benefit the US taxpayer and taking sides with socialists and communists against your own party’s POTUS is even remotely conservative. Never-Trumpers are Fredo-cons, morons, and simpletons. But they sure as Hell aren’t Conservatives.

  2. The Weekly Standard was more globalist than Conservative – their claims to be a Conservative publication were false.
    Because of their seeming inability to give any credit to President Trump, Conservativism is better off with this publication going under.

  3. I’m crushed, where will I get the viewpoint of an establishment pompous ass? I mean, Boehner, Ryan and now Kristol lost their integrity and elitist standing.

    I guess I’ll have to tune into CNN so they can tell me how wrong I am, what I should think, how bad the US and President Trump are.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.


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