We have entered the longest period of high inflation since the late 1980s – IOTW Report

We have entered the longest period of high inflation since the late 1980s

Americans hoping for relief from sky-high prices under Crooked Joe Biden will be sorely disappointed.


8 Comments on We have entered the longest period of high inflation since the late 1980s

  1. Cuz it’s deliberate!
    Thanks to the National Socialist Party AKA democRATz!

    BTW – my preeecise calculations say those numbers are weak.
    I know a lot of things that are double or more – and that’s 100% or more.

  2. “I know a lot of things that are double or more – and that’s 100% or more.”

    Dog and cat food have doubled. Jimmy Dean sausage, doubled in price. Red Meat, doubled in price. Chickens up about 70%. Eggs, about the same.
    Fuel, doubled. And don’t forget, Captain Brain Dead has drained our National Petroleum Reserves. There’s not one single thing I can think of that this administration has not wrecked. And yes it’s intentional.
    I’m reading rents going to get real crazy due to all of the new arrivals. It seems we now have a major housing shortage. Oh well, just more people living on the streets.


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