We have greatly underestimated feminism’s harmful influence on millennials – IOTW Report

We have greatly underestimated feminism’s harmful influence on millennials

Suzanne Venker : When it comes to the problems millennials face, we’re just not getting itAs I mentioned in my last post about the debt millennials have incurred, their predicament isn’t their fault. It is baby boomers who led millennials astray.

“We suffered from the educational debt phenomenon because when we couldn’t find jobs, a lot of us went to college. Or we got graduate degrees. Our boomer parents encouraged us to fund a lot of that with debt, on the premise that it would eventually pay off in the job market. But that was clearly wrong, and we’re paying the price for it,” writes Wall Street Journal columnist Joseph Sternberg in this interview about his new book, The Theft of a Decade: How the Baby Boomers Stole the Millennials’ Economic Future.

That is unquestionably true, but it’s not enough. Too few are willing to discuss the social narrative Boomers promoted that resulted in the economic troubles millennials now face. As Simon Sinek explains in this wildly successful video about millennials in the workplace, there are four pillars that landed millennials in the boat they’re in: parenting, technology, impatience, and environment.

“Too many millennials grew up subject to — not my words — failed parenting strategies,” notes Sinek. Millennials were routinely told, for instance, that they were special. They were told they could have “anything they want in life, just ’cause they want it.”

Once again, true. But there’s more to it than that. This message to which Sinek refers was specifically directed to girls by their feminist-minded mothers. Sinek talks about the self-esteem movement and the harm it’s done to millennials, and I agree. But we can’t separate the self-esteem movement from the feminist movement. They’re two sides of the same coin.

The self-esteem movement says, “There’s no one quite like you. You’re amazing. Go — seize the world.” And feminism says, “Your mothers’ lives were constrained. Don’t live the way they did — reach for the stars instead!”

As a result, girls and young women both then and now feel entitled to lives that defy description. They should be out-of-this-world exciting!  more

20 Comments on We have greatly underestimated feminism’s harmful influence on millennials

  1. No we haven’t. Toxic feminism has been detrimental since at least the sixties, wanting equality is one thing, but such venom from the radical feminists is hazardous to human existence.

    Every time I hear whining about ‘men’ in female sports, I harken back to women wanting to be in combat, fire fighting, and other usually male oriented positions, but under less stringent training.

    I have nothing against women doing traditionally male jobs, but under the same standards.


    (@)(@) < THESE THINGS???

  3. Leftists hijacking our schools gave us this mess. The GOPe (you know – the mccain and romney types of rats) hijacking the GOP helped them.

    Now, we’be even got the judge napolitano types.


  4. How did boomers have millennials? It was gen x, and some others after that, namely, the video game and queers-are-ok generation, that fubar’d the millennials.

  5. @Benito – remember when the Santa Monica city council voted against Hooters opening a restaurant here, because they ‘have morals’ and didn’t want scantily-clad women around town? 🙂 (they eventually gave in, although it’s gone now).

  6. Trying to conjure up empathy here. I got nuthin.

    Obviously these dumb bunnies, whose brains have been washed in academe, squandering unheard of amounts of college debt, can’t seem to understand that few companies want to lavish huge salaries on snarling manhaters who are prone to litigation for the slightest perceived slight.

    And it isn’t just the egregiously sensitive women. It’s their kollege educated soy boys who had their testicles emotionally removed, if not physically removed.

    I can’t shed a tear for mental cases, megadykes and the professionally trained malcontents that will wreck my workplace or my business anymore than the guy who self immolated at the White House yesterday.

    Get yourselves a can of gasoline and a lighter of you can scrounge up 5 bucks and do us all a favor. You aren’t special snowflakes. Matter of fact. You’re not likable and are a detriment to an ever advancing society.

  7. The very UN feminine bitches since the 60’s have been working over time to emasculate the male children in America! And it’s usually do to a vagina that is attached to some liberal pig that is so fuckin’ ugly it couldn’t get laid by a turkey baster! Thank God we ha enough that escaped their grasp to become real men…even MARINES!

  8. Ah, but we boomers invented peaceniks, hippies, free sex, feminists, and generally, peace, love, dope. Hey, man, can you dig it? And, “being down on ‘the man'” (authority). Then we had those GenX babies. Throw-in Dr. Spock, “I’m okay, you’re okay” (which morphed into “I’m better than okay, and I HATE you!”), “burn your bra!,” Gloria Steinem, affirmative action, Jimmy Carter, crack cocaine, John McCain, Hillary Clinton’s glass ceiling and Michelle Obama’s big butt.

    I’m sorry, what’s this post about? I lost track…

  9. @benito

    I saw a young woman in one of those elastic tube tops from the 70s the other day. But it had shoulder straps.
    A safety precaution I suppose.

    Damn. The tube top was like getting the steal sign from the third base coach back in the day.
    Two fingers from the right hand on the left wrist followed by a brush on the left ear.

    A long kiss and a quick tug and it was booby heaven.

  10. It may not be their fault that they were programmed with faulty software, but it is their responsibility to fix the problem. That is always how life works. And, so far, the Millennials are latching on to some really dumb ideas, which, again, have been foisted on them by the idiot hippie generation before them.

  11. Now that we’ve dealt with the harm feminism has done to young women, let’s turn to the even greater harm that feminism has done to men — of all generations

  12. @ Jimmy…………. I am guilty as charged, I met jiminy carter at fred winelands place in southern maryland in ’75…. shook his hand, talked to him for a few moments……….. then voted for the ignoramus… sat in miles long gas lines and knew it was a fraud….. until obozo, he was the absolute worst president we have ever suffered. I do apologize if my one vote threw him over the top.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  13. You’re forgiven Cracker. Apparently, Jimmeh had that effect on people (just like Ronnie and later Bubba). Besides, it was hard to get inspired at the time by Mr. Legislation himself, Bob Dole. Though I remember respecting and voting for him while in the service. But when Jimmeh got elected, I left. Almost everyone that was in the Navy at the time hated his (Carter’s) guts. (Well, the diesel Navy, anyway. We didn’t like ‘Nuke’s.’)

    But I’m rambling. Someone stop me.

  14. Who can be a fan of present-day names like Alex for girls and boys and Jordan and Deven for boys and girls, Madison is so overdone for girls, Kennedi for girls, McKenzie for girls, Courtney for boys, and much, much worse. Too much unisex naming to suit me!

  15. The kids of GenXers that we know are at the oldest 20 years old and at the youngest 11. Too young to be Millennials. My impression is that a GenXer is the quiet smarter younger sibling to a entitled crazy hippy Boomer. There are fewer GenXers than Boomers. Boomers begat Millennials-another huge generation and GenXers had GenZ…who from what I’ve read are often church goers and more entrepreneurial in their thinking. Will they look back fondly about Trump being in office when they were kids as we do about Reagan?

  16. Crackerbaby
    MAY 30, 2019 AT 10:42 PM
    “… until obozo, he (Carter) was the absolute worst president we have ever suffered. ”

    …Obama didn’t do anything Carter didn’t WANT to do. Jimmah just didn’t have the protective coloration to pull it off…

  17. Typical. Another millennial feminist unable to take responsibility for her own bad decisions, is looking for someone, anyone, she can lay the blame on, as long as it isn’t herself.


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