‘We Haven’t Finished Yet’ – IOTW Report

‘We Haven’t Finished Yet’

Random guy: “Mr. President, thank you for your service.”
Trump: “We haven’t finished, yet.”

[China Virus]
[Election Was Stolen]

17 Comments on ‘We Haven’t Finished Yet’

  1. Lets face it, there’s no way to compromise with these people, only capitulate. They’ve even managed to turn our children on us.
    Everything is stacked against the individual and once you dare to speak up you become a target.
    You’ll notice that most all of the republican reps are showing little or no outrage. The most we can expect from them is a meek objection before a raised voice from across the aisle sends them into retreat.
    Even the vote has become a useless exercise and they’ve made any path to organizing a large scale movement nearly impossible.
    We’re running out of options.

  2. I’m sorry but Trump stabbed us in the back by not stopping this insanity when he was first sworn in.
    Trump wouldn’t even say “Your Fired”

    The Demoncrats are pure evil and Republicraps do ABSOLUTELY nothing. There will be no “Writ of Quo Warranto”.
    There will be no prosecution of corrupt judges, governors, politicians, BLM, antifa, CIA, FBI, DHS, or any other evil.
    The news media and social re-education platforms ran rampant destruction of our rights.
    The ONLY way to stop the destruction of our country is the Insurrection Act with a military tribunal.
    Hang the criminals then reclaim our long gone constitution.
    Trump refused to invoke this act and lost the only mechanism left to save our country.

    Wakey Wakey.. There will be no 2024 election
    USA is now United Socialists of America and we have been reduced to Russian serfdome.

  3. @Anonymous:
    Apparently you are operating under the premise that there are two-parties. Once you lose that mindset you’ll see things clearer.
    The transition from “Citizen” to “Subject” has not been completed yet but both sides of the pretend aisle are trying their damnedest.

  4. According to Doctor Google 29,000 Covid deaths since the inauguration of fraudster biden. How’s that “biden plan” working out for ya america?

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.


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