We Knew the GRAMMYS Were Going to Get POLITICAL! But Not Like This. – IOTW Report

We Knew the GRAMMYS Were Going to Get POLITICAL! But Not Like This.

Surprise, Surprise!
Black Female Artist Joy Villa wears a “TRUMP – MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” DRESS!
See the shocking patriotic DRESS HERE.

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28 Comments on We Knew the GRAMMYS Were Going to Get POLITICAL! But Not Like This.

  1. She will catch non stop shit for that. I wouldn’t be surprised if some idiot didn’t take a swing at her. I admire her courage.

    OT, for those of you that have been watching the Lake Oroville clown show, they just evacuated the town of Oroville.

  2. she’s got more balls than john boehner, paul ryan, bitch mcconnell, john thune . . . Think of the 2nd thoughts she may have had. She wins hands down.

    Best performance by a single black female with balls goes to . . . JOY VILLA

  3. Is this the moment the Leftie low info voters get a peak behind the curtain at the true behavior of radical lefties as they witness all the hate that is going to be thrown her way via Facebook and Twitter etc…?

    Is the simple thought of “That’s a cool dress!” even allowed nowadays? No. Just watch.

    Brave woman. Even if she did it just to provoke controversy, I hope she weathers firestorm and doesn’t apologize.

  4. Well, she looks stunning in it. And it floors me, REALLY, that even with the unhinged assholes on the left being unmitigated assholes every minute of their asshole lives, that they would call this woman a coon. Unbelievable.

  5. Bad Brad – I’ve been watching that mess up at Oroville. Second largest resevoir in the state. The spillway falling apart, I fear, is just a tremor. And I’m downstream, half mile from the levees on the Sacramento. Dam/

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  1. Joy Villa At It Again At The Grammys – IOTW Report

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