We Met In Taverns – IOTW Report

38 Comments on We Met In Taverns

  1. Yes they did, and came up with some really symbolic imagery that remains with us today, and is STILL relevant:


    Now we meet in establishments called IOTWr and did what they did back then.

    I have always thought of this place as ‘a tavern with a living room’ since I wandered in…


    Back then? There would be a box on the wall near the entry where, you could get a shortened version of the above pipe, as every time the user, USED the pipe and finished, they would crack off the tip where they put their lips and put the rest in the box in the wall for the next…smoker.

    There was a sense of trust and a good simple design involved.

  2. The whole social distancing and the mask 😷 wearing is all by design. They don’t want us talking and planning.

    Been seeing mask burning parties around the country, hopefully that catches on.

  3. I have never engaged in any social media. But, we still know who each other are. We keep our mouths shut but our ears open. All it takes is a wink and a nod to know who is in our tribe.

  4. @Miss Kitty – ‘they’ want Isolation.

    Can we please start calling ‘them’ the totalitarians ‘they’ are…already? Communists. This is what communists do. In addition to speech being limited is…. movement. This might be the most treasured American possession? (Aside from 2A…) From state to state??? With ease? Now THAT has been put into question of late because of a? Virus!?

    And THAT is WHY me and the family went on that great IOTWr trip out west, visiting GREAT people going to GREAT places, while WE COULD.

    Next summer? Who knows…so we went when we did…and survived it…all 6000 roundtrip miles, and PHenry and I met at…a GUN store. Well, it was a Outdoorsman place let’s say…

    NOT calling you out at all, but ‘they’ has become a WELL known entity now, part of this is the CCP and in part other things…Old Soviets that survive et al…not to mention the infiltration of Communism in South America that has made it’s way north.

    We need to call out these pricks and bastards for what and WHO they are.

  5. I have 5 CB radios in the house. Have not used them in a while, but they worked when I bagged them up. Seems to me someone in the FBI/DOJ was using them, Nelly Orr comes to mind.

  6. I am hearing rumblings of the speakeasy society.

    We went to dinner early tonight and overheard the owner of the restaurant, who is in desperation, in what appeared to be a talk radio interview. My guess was correct. We spoke later and she’s barely hanging on. Stress was bulging out of this kindly woman’s eyeballs. She just launched the joint 2 years back after much investment and endless hours and setbacks.

    Governor launches another edict and health department nazis are all in her chili the next day.

    I think underground is the way to go. Mobile underground. Two nights a week at my house. Two nights at yours. Two nights at Charlie Brown’s. Sunday is the day of rest.

    Admittedly this idea is in the incubation stage.

    But this is bullshit. Government brown shirts have over reached.

  7. @Different Tim ~ doesn’t matter about leaving your phone … just stick it in a Faraday bag & let your car’s GPS track you 🙂

    this has all been planned & the groundwork has been laid very well … why do you think they want everything to payed for by electronics?

  8. “BREAKING!!! We have friends in the military being activated all over the U.S.”

    I would take comfort in this except for one fact. There is no nation in history that their own military was not used against their citizens.

    Prove me wrong.

  9. ^ joe6pak, oh the irony! 🙂

    Hi. I’m Jimmy. Are you beginning to understand why I remain ‘Jimmy?’

    Bwawawawa! (Too soon after dinner to laugh as hard as I want to.)

    Pure logic.

  10. Phone? If it comes to it, duct tape it to the trailer on a semi heading East….
    Car? Mine’s older…pre electronic tracking.

    Trouble is, Colorado has been invaded ….. 70-80% of our village and locale are not to be trusted.

  11. So an opinion only has merit when the identity of the commenter is known. The authors of the Federalist Papers invalidate that argument totally, Joe. If that’s your real name.

  12. WTF, you anonymouses are as bad as that chocolate starfish bastard. “Beginning to understand why I remain anonymous?”. What the hell is that for a statement, how does anyone know what you’re trying to say. If I couldn’t do better than that I wouldn’t even try.

  13. And another thing, the noname that wrote, “Beginning to understand why I remain anonymous?”, is likely not the same noname that is taking offense to me suggesting the inappropriateness of anonymously posting meaningless statements with the air of superiority. And I’m not necessarily unknown, plenty of friends of mine know who joe6pak is.

  14. Anonymous: you can make up any unique name you want. At least we know who we are talking to. I don’t know who Grumpy is. I don’t know who ecp is. I don’t know who Jimmy is. But at least there is a distinctive names so I can relate to. “Anonymous” means nothing.

  15. “Beginning to understand why I remain anonymous?”

    From who you idiot? Your posting device has a MAC address. If it didn’t, you could not read what was posted here by us or you. That makes your device known by three dimensions of when where and who. Every single device in your access route to this website exists in the public domain known as “the internet”. That is the NSA’s sandbox.

    “But I use a TOR browser and that is untraceable” you say. TOR (the onion router) was developed by the US Navy. Under supervision of the NSA.

    “But but but, you’re wrong, and you’re lying about all this!”

    Of course I am, I made all this up. No one knows who you are, where you are, and that you sniffed your older sister’s panties in the second floor west bedroom of your second house on 19th street in 1994. And blogged about it as Playa226 on Tinder in 2019.

    You are invisible.

    I am Lowell. 23 Paris Drive, Rome Ga.

    Why the fuck would I do that?!!!

    I’m just me. Here, at work, at home. I have the same opinions, the same attitude, the same loves and the same “oh hell no’s”.

    You should try it. Wearing the same identity simplifies a whole shitload of issues. You may come to like it.

  16. Dear Anonymouses,

    What if there were dozens of little ‘Jimmy’s’ that didn’t use an avatar, like me? How would you know which ‘Jimmy’ was speaking? How could you tell the real, Top Jimmy? (Me, obviously, because this is all about me. There is only one Top Jimmy – moi!)

    BTW, no one wants to use ‘Jimmy’ because Jimmy sounds like a little Irish dweeb kid with a dirty face and runny nose! Therefore, I’m mostly safe from name usurpers! 🙂 So, if you don’t like ‘Jimmy,’ or have a problem picturing who ‘Jimmy’ actually is, call me ‘Jim.’ (And no, my middle name isn’t ‘Tiberious.’) I also go by Pete (“Two-gun Pete with the smelly feet!” -but shirley don’t call me that.)

    So, all you Anonymouses, assign yourself a name and use it. But just not ‘Jimmy’ or ‘Top Jimmy’ because the President will come after you.

    -President-Elect Top Jimmy (HMFIC of ‘Jimmy’)

  17. Which is why they want bars, restaurants and churches closed, and no backyard barbeques. People might get to talkin’. Also, Neil Goldstein, an assistant professor of epidemiology & biostatistics at Drexel U. estimates we won’t be able to say goodbye to masks and social distancing UNTIL DECEMBER 2021!!! Another whole year to squash the revolution?

  18. Different Tim DECEMBER 18, 2020 AT 8:18 PM

    When you leave to meet ditch your phone and stay away from Alexa and her ilk.

    Have any computer parts lying around with that protective sleeve over it with the crosshatch design? The sleeve/sheaths come with the part when you buy it. like a video card or even a motherboard – kinda large, but maybe you can make several small ones from it.

    It should shield your phone from connecting to anything if you slip it in one. A video card sheath should be plenty adequate size-wise.


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