We Must Get Political During Thanksgiving – IOTW Report

We Must Get Political During Thanksgiving

The Blue State Conservative| Parker Beauregard

As a general rule, I remain apolitical until inevitable sanctimonious self-righteousness is uttered into existence by a leftist. They simply can’t help themselves. And when they speak out, I will give them no more quarry.

I look forward to the conversations. There has never been a time when conservative, libertarian, and pro-freedom stances have been more obviously correct and progressive and leftist positions have been so wrong. I welcome the eventual comment from an idiot leftist relative.  more

13 Comments on We Must Get Political During Thanksgiving

  1. Stop being nice to any worthless cocksucker family members still pushing democrat bullshit. If they’re still doing that now, it’s because they’re stupid or evil. It’s as simple as that.

  2. Last time I got political for a holiday was 2 Christmases ago. I simply asked the one democrat at the table why she didn’t vote for Trump. She got all red, started screaming, spitting food, rage eating, rattled off all the MSNBC talking points that she must have spent a lot of time memorizing because they came out at lightning speed..

    ..and I end up getting blamed for “ruining” Christmas dinner. I was like WTF did I do wrong? Whatever..

  3. Thanksgiving is the perfect time for a re-education, for those that need it, on the Pilgrims failed socialist experiment. William Bradford, the colony’s first governor, documented in his book how pooling for the collective benefit caused laziness, thievery, and decimated 50% of the population by starvation. After 2 years they decided to go “free market”, the results were instantaneous and saved the colony. A short synopsis can be found here;


    Allowing folks to reap the benefit of their own labor is the key to prosperity, something those tax loving politicians forgot a long time ago.

  4. Last Christmas I had a liberal female in-law say, “only white people can be racist.” I didn’t have to say a word, four to five family members, including both of her grand parents jumped down her throat before she could utter another word, with another four to five waiting in the wings to rip her apart. She Instantly dropped the subject and we proceeded to have a good Christmas.

  5. I’ve managed to alienate several neighbors. I think they actually know know the truth, but remain subservient to the media.
    This is interesting. Ask them which side of the fence they want to live on.
    In 1953 the Koreans signed an armistice and split their country in two, creating the world’s best political case-study.

  6. When I lived in MD and had to do the Holidays with the in-laws it was a fucking guarantee I would ruin the whole thing. They enjoyed it. They enjoyed spinning me up. They probably took bets to see how long I kept my composure. I can ignore a lot of bullshit, but when you sit there and say, “I don’t know why everyone is so hard on Obama — he’s doing a good job!”

    Then I started to vibrate around the room and spit sparks from my mouth.

    They hated Obama as much as I did.

    Fucking assholes.

  7. ^^^^ you shoulda just laughed until you almost chocked ^^^^^

    … & then just apologized, stating “oh, I’m sorry. I thought for a moment you were serious”

    laughing at ignorance (or portrayed ignorance) is the best retort


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