1. Ha – I’m guessing that 80% of Oregon land mass has around 10% of the humans.
    I think it’s a great idea! Once it happens in one state I can see it happening elsewhere – like northern CA. I don’t see adding or removing states though – too much debate over Senate seats.

  2. This is one of those teases (SCOTUS will hear all the election fraud cases, the upper echelon of the FBI are all going to jail for spying on Trump and lying about it, The Biden crime family are being investigated for fraud/ influence peddling/tax evasion, Swalwell is being charged with espionage, Foxnews asks Lou to come back and he gives them his middle finger, photos of Chuck Schumer and Anthony Wiener mid-coitus surface, and Giada De Laurentiis just called me saying she is looking for a new man to cook for), a momentary feel good moment but ultimately just makes me feel worse.

  3. rich taylor
    When I’m feeling down and out I load my Glock with a laser cartridge and shoot Anifa member images I have hanging up through out the shop in the face. It cheers me right up. You should try it.

  4. Illustr8r, Oregon has some coastal counties included into Idaho, Washington could to. Here in Mason County we voted for Trump in both elections. It’s a pain in the ass to move so I hope I don’t have to, but I would if it meant escaping the Washington liberals.

  5. Biden/Rice (obama trash susan rice is running our government, not biden or the slut) will continue the obama disease policy of depositing thousands of illegals into the state, like they did in Omar’s disrict. That’s how she got elected.

  6. @joe6pak We are working on Step1 of a possible future escape by no longer holding property in King County. A long tale of woe that requires beer and anger management to get through the details. In another month or so-no more sending our hard earned money to that idiot county.

  7. Rural states are easily overwhelmed by one or a few largish cities. College towns are especially good at skewing a small population state blue. Missoula, Billings, Boulder, Ft. Collins, Laramie, Boise, Pocatello, Moscow, Pullman, Logan, Salt Lake City, even Provo/Orem and Rexburg. All those cities are seriously affected by their student populations, faculty and staff, and graduates too afraid to leave the womb.

    Combine those cities with economies dominated by government employment and/or hospitality and tourism, and politicians and developers more than willing to sell their souls, and yours, to entice businesses from liberal states to establish a branch or relocate a headquarters and you have nominally red governments painting everything blue.

    When those companies do move in, they usually do not hire locally. They bring people with them to fill anything but the lowest paying positions. Those relocated workers are inevitably thoroughly indoctrinated liberals who immediately go about the process of converting their newfound paradise into the hell hole they came from.

    The other bluing factor in rural states are retirees. They are a problem primarily in sunnier climes, like Southern Nevada, Southern Utah, parts of New Mexico and a whole lot of Arizona, but they do like summer property right up to the Canadian border and will often make it their primary residence.

    Rural state domination by its urban population is not a partisan issue, though it can be. It is a reflection of the problem the Founding Fathers faced when drawing up power sharing among the states. Unfortunately, the states were not as thoughtful when they drew up their own constitutions.

    In any case, I don’t see much benefit in creating a giant rural state. Now, if the Dems move to make DC a state, then arguing for some partitioning of states might be in order — if/when the Republicans take back the majority in Congress. The whole issue is mute, if the Dems fix the system to guarantee perpetual domination. Then, rewriting boundaries will become an imperative, as the nation splits.

  8. Idaho – the next Texas!

    A few requirements:

    Business friendly – no B&O tax on gross revenue.
    No income tax on individuals or corporations.
    Open and concealed carry for all.
    Nullify Congressional gun laws.
    No political parties allowed.
    Unicameral legislature.
    No lobbyists.
    No Communists, Antifa, BLM, ISIS or similar organizations.
    Secret, paper ballot voting by ID’d, registered, resident voters only.
    Nullify and remove Federal Medicaid and Welfare.
    Refuse Federal Department of Education funds.
    (Etc. – add your own.)

  9. Probably the biggest impediment that I see going in is the gaggle of oligarchs in Portland and Seattle that would fight like their very lives depended on it (cause it does) to keep those red rural areas in the fold, they understand that conservative folks work hard,provide the tax revenue, do not require the social services that the city folks do so are very low maintenance.

  10. Montana has always been my #1 Escape To State but from what I’m reading it’s getting inundated with people from all over. Maybe not all libs but…Missoula and Bozeman have high tech and universities.

    Idaho has Boise as a high tech city. If you look at the 2020 vote, Boise actually was red. Moscow was the only blue city in all of Idaho.

  11. These kind of efforts always fail.

    As much as I would like to see one succeed, I doubt I ever will before the United States as a whole disintegrates into independent regions in place of a cohesive whole.

  12. Possible names for the new state:

    Oregano (you know, after the great Italian spice)
    Idonno (“Where do you want to move to?” “Idonno.”
    Orwegonnago (Well, are we?)
    Gonnaidaho (Yup!)

  13. Yeah, I remember the old Soviet Union letting countries go that were dissatisfied …

    Freedom’s price is blood.

    The slaves’ or the slavemasters’ – it’s our choice.

    izlamo delenda est …


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