We Pooped This City! – IOTW Report

We Pooped This City!

If You’re Going To San Francisco…Think Again.


A few decades ago, Scott McKenzie sang one of the classic hippie anthems, “San Francisco,” back in 1967. It was sung during the heyday of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Flower power was the rage. Peace, love, and understanding were the mantras of the day, in response to the Viet Nam War and the oppression of The Man.

McKenzie sang, “If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.” Back then, the flowers were for decoration, to match the tie-dyed clothing and sandals.

Flash forward fifty years, and residents of San Francisco may need to wear flowers, not only in their hair, but also covering their entire bodies. Not for decoration, however, but to mask the odor of a new feature of the streets of San Francisco.


15 Comments on We Pooped This City!

  1. The San Francisco sewer system is unique in that it has traffic lights, crosswalks and streetcars.
    They need slow moving trucks pumping a fog of air freshener along the streets much like Florida’s mosquito control.

  2. If you’re going to SF, put a flower up your nose, and enjoy the true liberal ambience of a tolerant city.

    It doesn’t appear like the city government cares to do anything about out it. If I lived their I would be livid. Sadly, I’d by outnumbered by the “caring”.

  3. Let us not forget the Animals……

    This following program is dedicated to the city and people of
    San Francisco, who may not know it but they are beautiful and so
    Is their city this is a very personal song, so if the viewer
    Cannot understand it particularly those of you who are European
    Residents save up all your brand and fly trans love airways to
    San Francisco U.S.A., then maybe you’ll understand the song, it
    Will be worth it, if not for the sake of this song but for the
    Sake of your own peace of mind.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Was going to visit San Francisco the other day. After sitting for awhile and thinking about it I was all pooped out. So I didn’t go because I already went.

  5. All that crap goes into the storm drains and into the bay.
    If drug addled Hippies voted conservative the National Guard would have them rounded up by now, a superfund site declared and the wailing and gnashing of teeth over this outrage would be at least one notch higher than the Outrage De Jour


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