We Quit Facebook Today – IOTW Report

We Quit Facebook Today

And what a pain in the ass it was to do so!

After I stripped out our info, removed the banner and did some house-keeping, I went to delete the page. And that’s when the hurdle-jumping began. Long story short, I had to un-publish the page (So it is no longer visible to the public) and wait for the 14 days it takes to ‘officially’ delete it.

Then they asked why we were leaving. I told them “Facebook Reichstag”.
And the 14-day timer began.

After years of ghosting us, deleting our posts, preventing our auto-posting, making our page practically inaccessible to viewers, Facebook had the balls to tell us if we changed our mind and we wanted to re-open the page we are more than welcome to.

Oh, Staaaaahp!

For those of you who have followed us on Facebook, thank you.
We appreciate you tremendously.

54 Comments on We Quit Facebook Today

  1. I’m on the cusp of doing so after posting a funny picture of three old ladies trying to use a stripper pole (fully dressed) with the caption being “this is what strippers will look like when the lockdown ends” and Facebook sent me a warning message saying it violated their terms of decency or some such rot and posting something like it again and they will suspend me.

  2. I hate to break it to you. Fakebook is Hotel KKKalifornia.
    I dumped FB years ago but somehow I get daily text notifications about friend requests.
    I can’t get rid of zuckerberg.

    I’ve done all deleting functions. It never goes away.

  3. I only had a puppet account under my dog Gus – LOL, he closed his account yesterday. My Mom closed her real FB account too. Meanwhile I had a couple twitter feeds bookmarked and they are all suspended for doing nothing but posting Trump’s message yesterday?

  4. I am on FB because there are some interesting non-political groups I follow. My DIL also posts photos of the grandchildren I cannot go to visit and have not seen for almost a year and a half (although I somewhat expect Justin to magically open the border on January 21).

    I did unfriended several people this week because of their over the top anti-Trump posts. Not liking him is one thing but the nastiness and vindictiveness and downright lies they kept spreading in along with the contempt for Trump supporters was just too much.

    BTW: Parler is now not available on Apple devices. In fact Parler seems to be down altogether right now. They had better be careful or it won’t be the ringers from ANFTIA causing the trouble next time.

    Mrs. RadioMattM is checking several sites such CTH and Judicial Watch. They still seem to be up.

  5. Not on FeceBook, not on titter, not on any of that shit. Now, I might seriously consider Gab (even though it’s loaded with Q-Anon cultists). I keep hearing bad comments about Parler, so I’m not sure about it. As far as video platforms, Rumble, Brighteon and BitChute are the best options.

    I heard a great comment on the radio today from a local conservative talk show host. He was talking about how we – the 80 million plus, conservatives – need to completely walk away from the Big Tech social platforms, and patronize the the Small Tech platforms. We need to exercise our free market, Econ 101, supply and demand power, and shift the demand from Big Tech and MSM-Communist Neetworks to Small Tech and alternative networks. United we have power, divided, not so much.

  6. Never had a FB account and never will. The moment I realized a link was opening a FB page, I shut it down. Honest to God, never knew what people saw in that fucking thing.

  7. Parler seems to be down even using a browser. This sounds like a restraint of trade violation, but I imagine they would be told they don’t have standing if they tried to sue.

  8. Thanks, MJA. I wonder what these companies are thinking when they drive half of their customers away. Or maybe they know something (that we already suspect) is going to happen.

  9. Some years back I had considered getting into the business of conducting home inspections. Upon studying the prospect I realized to get any work I would have to set up a digital network of facebook, Twitter, website and all the other crap involved. Changed my mind. Plus that was when the nutjob shot up the ball practice. He was a registered home inspector. Didn’t seem like a good time to start up.😉

  10. MJA: They probably actually believe their propaganda that there anren’t that many conservatives out there so they don’t really think they’ll lose anything.

  11. RadioMattM,

    Tell your family to put their information and photos into a newsletter and email (or snailmail) it.

    I figure that if someone actually is interested in sharing pics or otherwise communicating with me, then they will pick up the phone or send a letter or email. Extremely little of what is on FB etc. is worth spending any time on.

  12. I might delete Twitter. The only reason not to is to monitor what my BFF is saying and thinking. I probably can be a lurker and just pop on occasionally. It’ll be sad to see my Tea Party days go kaput but…here we are.

    I joined Parler during the first wave and am still adapting to the learning curve. It’s similar but different to Twits.

  13. Our family group-texts when everyone needs to get the message.

    My oldest son tried to get me on FB for years. Nope.

    So when he has news about his kids, he starts out “This is mainly for Dad since he’s not on FB..”

    It’s more intimate and personal. Only the NSA is watching us. So – normal citizen espionage instead of advertising everything about our family to the world and letting FB make money off us.

    FB was a lazy and impersonal way to interact with the family. The texting leaves out nothing of what we want to share with each other. Me: You want me – text me. I’m right here every time you reach out. What’s the problem with that? Talk to me if you want my attention instead of posting something on FB. I don’t have time for that nonsense.

  14. @ Illustr8r

    How about saving a link to their home page and hitting it when you want to catch up? Not the same as getting a notification, but you’re in charge of when you have time for it anyway, right?

    I’ve never had a Twitter acct, but I have many links for people I want to check in on when I have the time.

    Twitter is at my leisure, I’m not at it’s beck and call notifications.








    Entertaning fave of mine:


  15. I have been stunned by the hatefulness and nastiness of recent days. It’s always been bad, but I had someone whom I’ve known my whole life post something very ugly, then she DARED anyone who didn’t like it to unfriend her. I thought about it for several hours, then decided to give her what she wanted. Not only did I unfriend her, but I blocked her too. Thank God she lives in Virginia now, so she can’t vote in Texas any more. I did the same with another woman with whom I used to go to church. Her hatred of Trump has turned her into a bitter hag. Her sister is conservative, so I can’t imagine how she feels seeing her posts. I’m so very weary of it all, but I have no problem cutting you out of my life if you behave that way.

  16. Jason, my guess are the Christians. They tend to be conservative and since the left love killing babies and hate God, it just seems to hit many of their buttons.

    And about Facebook; my sister keeps trying to get me on there. Nope. Not interested.

  17. Deleted my Butt-Book account about 4 years ago.
    I realized having the account was supporting the Liberal Socialist Democrat propaganda arm and its censorship of factually proved info that challenged its agenda.

    I suspect it will continue for years as it has 2 generations of Cellphone/Tablet raised addicts using it now. Its like the addictive hook is it mimics a school yard gossip group that everyone gets a say as long as the click (In-Group) agrees.

    Kinda like Star Trek Season 5 Episode 6 “The Game”
    At about 3/4’s of the way into the episode. The addicted/infected then were starting to hunt down the non-users and forcing them to play the game.

  18. Every single conservative should dump FB and Twitter. They should also try to avoid giving any money for goods or services to liberal companies. We are being censored (and yes I used that word) vis a vis sycophantic media platforms. We should not do anything to facilitate that.

    Yeah…and to think they called us the “fascists!”


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