‘We Respect the Rule of Law’: White House Offers Tepid Response to #MarineHeldInMexico Petition – IOTW Report

‘We Respect the Rule of Law’: White House Offers Tepid Response to #MarineHeldInMexico Petition

Fox Nation 

By: Jessica Chasmar (Washington Times)

The White House has responded to a popular petition that demands the release of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican prison, explaining that the Obama administration respects the rule of law and will continue to monitor the situation to make sure the soldier is treated fairly.

More than 134,000 people signed a petition on the White House’s “We the People” website asking the president to demand the release of Sgt. Tahmooressi, who was imprisoned nearly five months ago for illegally crossing from California into Mexico with three firearms in his truck. The Marine maintains that he crossed the border by accident after making a wrong turn on his way to meet a friend. He faces up to 14 years in prison if convicted.

“As in all cases when a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, our goal is to see that Mr. Tahmooressi is treated fairly during the judicial process with the hope that he can receive the support, both emotional and medical, that he may require now and at the conclusion of the proceedings,” the White House said in an official response Friday.



19 Comments on ‘We Respect the Rule of Law’: White House Offers Tepid Response to #MarineHeldInMexico Petition

  1. yeap somebody who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, served his country, made a mistake but the current administration is ALLOWING ILLEGALS to flood our border with GOD only knows what they are bringing with them…..a few things come to mind, communicable disease, fatherless children who will become wards of the state, drug dealers connected to the cartel & I am sure if they didn’t bring guns they are here waiting for ’em. Can any Congress critter say IMPEACH?

  2. All anyone has to know about what or how the president will do to help this man is that he’s a honored marine a the president hates the military so this innocent man who made a slight mistake in turning the wrong way shouldn’t expect any help from Washington. I pray for him everyday, but am afraid mexico is going to use him to get back at America for all the bad things they think we have done to them. Like sending back their own citizens because they broke our laws coming here. Imagine a delegation of mexican officials coming here to demand that we let all their citizens that are here now be allowed to stay because they ca’t afford to pay to help THEIR OWN CITIZENS> Instead they want American citizens to pay more and more in taxes to make sure their citizens live the good life herein America. Plus when they have to spend money to help their own citizens it means there is less money for them to steal. Have anyone of you reading this ever read the laws mexico has about illegals in their country? If not Google it and I bet you won’t believe what you are reading. But that’s the law down there.

  3. I’m not even going to address that “we respect the rule of law” bullshit, but I will note the Putin would’ve already send a convoy of “humanitarian aid” down there.

  4. Hey Sally Forth. Do you actually think there will ever be an impeachment bill started as long as Harry reid is in control in the Senate? If the House ever passed a bill to impeach, which I don’t think they ever will, it will go where every other bill passed by the House in the past four years. In the nearest dumpster. Harry was quoted many times as saying “he doesn’t and never will read anything the traitors in the House send to the Senate. He’s the president protector. Why else do you think the president does all these things he’s doing that everyone knows are against the law and he’s going way overboard in what his powers as president allows. He is being protected. Nevada dis the whole country a horrible wong when they reelected reid to another term.

  5. If the Marine was moorish and not Tahmooressi, and maybe prayed to Mecca five times a day, Obama would have already emptied out Gitmo for him.

    Rose Garden conference with his parents. We got him you guys. We got him. *tear*

    By the way, does every major network go out of their way to not get the Bowe Bergdahl interview? He’s speaking English again isn’t he?

  6. This marine’s family needs to come out and announce publicly that his Mother is Black, the Marine is GAY, he is actually a Muslim Terrorist in disguise and he LOVES to golf when he is not a charter member of a black lawless brutal Gang that loves to beat up White people while wearing a a grey hoodie and best of all, he loves to steal cigars as he beats up store clerks…..

    he would be home tomorrow….

  7. What really ‘gets’ me is all the lo-fo, indoctrinated azzhats who simply don’t care!! There should be a cry so loud over this Marine being imprisoned for so long, and there is nothing. Absolutely nothing!

  8. Enen if it gets to the Senate Sally it would never make it to the floor for any sort of vote because reid would block that from happening. As leader of the Senate he, and only he, decides what makes it to the floor for a vote. And every American could scream for days about bringing it to the floor for an up or down vote, but it’s just never going to happen. As I said before reid i protecting him from any sort of punishment and he know it and that’s why he just doesn’t care what laws he breaks or how he treats the American people. And all these illegals are being brought in for one reason only…SO THEY CAN BECOME democratic VOTER IN THE NEAR FUTURE…right after he gives them all full pardons and that will lead to a fast track to becoming American citizens. And what makes me the maddest is that conservatives in the House aren’t trying to do one damn thing to stop him or at least slow him down. the Speaker of The House is a big joke and sometimes I truly believe he’s in cahoots with democrats.

  9. Let’s assume 20 or so recently retired Special Ops/
    Black Ops types could arrange a field trip on a
    privately owned pair of helos. The retirees would
    spring our Marine after “neutralizing” all the Mexican jailers. After our guys safely return home
    string the ex jailers ears on a loop of fishing
    line and FedEx the stuff to El Presidente in
    Ciudad Mexico D.F.

  10. I like squat’s idea. I’ve liked it since day one. A private militia, and don’t tell me there aren’t any. “Clear and Present Danger” was not just a figment of Tom Clancy’s imagination.

    BUT, watch out! Obama would have Tahmooressi arrested and court-martialed for AWOL, just out of spite.

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