‘We want him out’: Controversy brews after video shows Norco preschoolers chanting against Biden – IOTW Report

‘We want him out’: Controversy brews after video shows Norco preschoolers chanting against Biden

KTLA 5: A President’s Day lesson turned controversial when a Norco parent saw video of her daughter among students chanting “we want him out” after her teacher asked the class who the president is and “what do we want to do with him?”

Video of the 4 and 5 year olds chanting the political statement about Joe Biden was posted on an internal app for parents of students at Turning Point Christian School, and that’s how Christina McFadden saw it.

She said she watched the video several times in horror.

“The teacher is indoctrinating her students,” McFadden told KTLA. “Everybody has a right to believe in what they want and my daughter wasn’t given that opportunity. And especially at that age, I don’t even think that she can comprehend to make an informed decision on who and what she should believe in.”

McFadden contacted the school immediately. Officials took down the video, offered an apology and informed parents that it did not share the school’s “philosophy of honoring and respecting authority, including those in government positions.”

McFadden was told the teacher was spoken to, the video was reviewed and that officials were “OK with it.” more

21 Comments on ‘We want him out’: Controversy brews after video shows Norco preschoolers chanting against Biden

  1. I grew up in Norco in the late 1960’s.
    It’s a rural city with probably more horses than people.
    I visit my friend there about once a month.
    It is full of Trump flags & FJB flags.
    It is also the home of one of the thirteen people killed by Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal.
    So yup, pretty sure they want him out!

  2. Oh piss off. The leftist indoctrination in public schools all but defined the Goddamned shitholes by the late sixties and by the early 1970’s they were completely insufferable

  3. “Yet, four and five year old’s are being taught how to have sex with kids of their own gender. Go figure!”

    WOW. Well, if that’s true, and those parents haven’t started killing people, they are to blame. I’m so glad I’m not raising kids this day and age.

  4. “… whether yellow, black, or white
    they are precious in his sight
    Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm …”

    Thanks, Wild Bill, for reminding me of THAT!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It is a Christian school, and Joe Biden is doing Satan’s work, so teaching the kids the chant seems to be an appropriate exercise of the first amendment.

    School should politely tell Karen to FOAD.

  6. “Teaching hate can never start too early, wow! I don’t care how much older adults hate someone, but this is NOT right!”

    But enough about Critical Race Theory, Mick.

  7. @Carlos the Jackal
    Our property was an acre, near Hamner Ave, where I15 now traverses.
    Went to St. Mel Catholic school on Corona Ave.
    We left in 1974. I still drive by our old house. It was a great place for kids to grow up!
    Full of Shit-kickers and goat-ropers, lol.

  8. It sure was not a “controversy” when school kids were forced to chant support for Hillary and before her for Obama.
    Also the same outraged left have no problem grooming school kids, and indoctrinating them.

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