“WE WILL FIND YOU!”: Parents Storm and Overwhelm TN School Board Meeting Over Mask Mandates – IOTW Report

“WE WILL FIND YOU!”: Parents Storm and Overwhelm TN School Board Meeting Over Mask Mandates


Parents in Tennessee stormed a school board meeting to hold their leaders accountable.

Several hundred parents showed up and totally overwhelmed the meeting.

At first, the school board attempted to kick out participants for not wearing masks.

But then the parents just started storming out of the meeting on their own!

See the intense moment below:

10 Comments on “WE WILL FIND YOU!”: Parents Storm and Overwhelm TN School Board Meeting Over Mask Mandates

  1. Just implementing the Maxine Waters philosophy of political influence (that the Left embraces wholeheartedly).
    – Not used to having us Conservatives react so forcefully, are you, you Leftist shitheads?
    – You’re messing with our kids and have drawn our wrath (finally)

  2. Will the DOJ send the civil rights division into TN to investigate possible violations of the School Board’s civil rights by these insurrectionist minded folk?

  3. Petit leftists have infiltrated and taken over many small town city councils and school boards. Now they are openly showing who they are. Now it is up to the people to vote them out and replace them.

    And to tour wuestion, Anonymous…Yes, President Code 46 will send his DOJ winged monkeys in to crush these little rebellions, if it looks like the parents are getting the upper hand.

    And to the parents: keep tour organizations as loose as possible, and do not form groups within the purview of the IRS. That lesson should have been learned a decade ago.

  4. Sadly, this kind of behavior is the ONLY way to end this COVID bullshit now. The petty tyrant class has left no other option. These mask mandates will literally go on forever unless sane people organize and push back hard. The asshole class has watered concept of freedom down to such weak, watery gruel that people have to fight for the right not to be mandated to wear a useless fucking face diaper in public to allay the fears of scientifically illiterate fucking morons.


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