We Will Miss Mary’s Face – IOTW Report

We Will Miss Mary’s Face

Dianny’s dog, Mary has gone to play in God’s back yard.

I can’t imagine life without my pup because, honestly, it feels as if she’s always been here. And now she’s gone.

Please say a prayer for Dianny.

38 Comments on We Will Miss Mary’s Face

  1. You have my deepest sympathies Dianny.
    Sadly, as humans, our life spans are generally much longer than those of our companion pets. It is never easy when we lose one of them, but just remember all the years of joy you had with them and that they are in a better place.
    God Bless!

  2. Dianny my heart breaks for you
    But Mary, of you I am jealous.
    You run in the tall grasses by the bridge and wait with all the other good doggies for us to finally come home

  3. I lost my girl april 22nd. She was only 5yrs 3months old. For those that have had dogs all their lives they usually have one that was EXTRA special to you and it’s crushing when you lose them.
    Sorry for your loss Dianny, I know how you feel.

  4. You have my deepest sympathies. That picture of your Mary shows me that she was a “good dog”, the highest accolade in the doggy world. The deep sorrow you’re feeling will pass with time but luckily enough her memory will stay with you, coming to light whenever she is needed until it’s your time and you can be together again.

  5. Thanks for all your kind words, guys. This was such an unexpected shock that it didn’t fully hit me until I was burying her in the garden. Then it hammered me to my knees. I love that dang dog so much. It’s going to take a while to get over the shock of losing her.

  6. Dianny, very sorry for your loss. FWIW, something that helped reduce my anxiety/sadness following the recent loss of my pet was to say “Thank you God for letting me have Daisy for 19 years”.

  7. I personally know 7 of my best friends that will be waiting to greet Mary across the bridge…Fritzi, Natalie, Smokey, Sadie, Jemimah, Ruby, June Bug…..June Bug, “Bug” will have a stack of tennis balls and several pull toy ropes for Mary to enjoy…. Tex, Lu Lu and Jasmine will need Mary’s wisdom and guidance someday and it will be comforting….Devastating news Dianny. My blessings for your comfort!….There’s some goats around over there if Mary might like some inter-species conversations…..I recommend Gus and Gruff because Patch and Scarlet are liars and itinerate gossips….

  8. What a beatiful little Pittie she appears to be, probably took after her human mama Dianny, sweet and sassy, but don’t threaten those she loves…

    …I’ve loved and lost myself, and it doesn’t get any easier, but I just remember that God didn’t have to put that little life in my care to begin with, so I look at it as a sign of His love that we had those precious few years together at all, and a singifier of the love that awaits in Heaven when I at last lay my own trophies down as we all must one day, and find my pal playing at the feet of our Lord.

    But nothing I can say will make it better. Only time and the Lord’s Grace can do that. The pain of parting will fade into fond remembrance, never departing entirely but subsumed by the memories of love. Let’s pray that process forward.

    Dear Lord, we thank You that You chose to grace this world with this stalwart little life for a time, and that You imbued this companion with Your love for Dianny’s comfort, and to give Your teachings on life and loss. She is grateful for the time You give them together, and ask only that You speed her time of healing while retaining the memories of how this life helped hers, until You see fit to call her home to stand in the light of the Ultimate love. Keep her in your embrace to see her through this difficult transition and to keep the memory of the warmth of those days to comfort her for the rest of hers.

    And we ask it all in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

    God Bless,

  9. I truly know your pain Dianny. I am so sorry to know that this has happened. For those who say the pain will ease, they are right. Your thoughts will soon be followed more by smiles than tears. If it helps at all, Charlie ( he is in the pet gallery with Lexi our other dog ) has been up there for a couple months now. He is a really good boy. Loves everyone. I’m certain he will show Mary around. I know it’s hard, but it gets better.

  10. Hey Dianny,

    What a cutie, and she ALWAYS will be.

    Clarence Oddbody in It’s A Wonderful Life, has ‘the quote of quotes’ at these times and certainly applies as well to our four legged loved ones.

    “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” Clarence Oddbody, ASC



  11. Dianny, my soul hurts. Sometimes it doesn’t feel worth it to love. And when the love is so deep, it seems you will never recover. Cry when you need to, swear when you can’t cry any longer and sit and stare when tears and words fail you.

    It will get better. I sit here now, look up and see my Asher, Zoe and Ivan looking down at me. Fur’s portraits of them give me so much comfort. It’s been 17, 4 and 7 years respectively since I said goodby to my kitties. I will always miss them, but their memories are precious now.

    Dianny, I have prayed that God give you peace and comfort when you are ready to accept it. I pray that you will gain more peace and comfort every day.

  12. Sorry this has happened. It’s painful and it sucks. Who hasn’t gone through periods when it felt like their canine friend was their one & only true, trustworthy, and dependable friend?

    For a time I thought God was being cruel to not make them have lives as long as our own. But finally decided it’s a reminder there is only one place free of emotional pain, and our first priority is to love our fellow human beings more. And dogs provide an example how to do it.

  13. I know how it hurts, even after having an additional two years with Lacey thanks to a forward thinking old style country Vet, it was still heart breaking when the time came. We are praying for you Diann!

  14. I’m so sorry. Brings tears to my eyes for all the wonderful pets I’ve lost I know how painful this is.
    I always imagine the reunion of all my deceased pets at Heaven’s gate and it gives me comfort that we will all meet again.
    If I am lucky enough to get to Heaven I plan to ask God why our pets live such short lives.
    Thinking of you and wishing you wonderful memories of your dear Mary.

  15. All of us hard eyed Conservatives and Libertarian’s, with our rough lines on how to fix the world.
    We’re all a bunch of big softies.
    Glad of it, too

  16. Here I am with tears streaming down my face. I’ve been where you are, multiple times. It never gets easy, but it’s the price we pay for the years of companionship, sheer joy, and total love they give us. My thoughts, love, and prayers are with you. I’m grateful for the wisdom and guidance in those posts that preceded mine. May the Good Father bless you, Dianny, and your family, and May He comfort all of you.

  17. The agony we go thru when losing a pet, that automatically went to heaven, is a tool God developed to inspire us to become good enough on earth that we can rejoin our beloved pets in heaven. That’s what I think anyway.

  18. Been down this road 3 times. I am very sorry for your loss nothing more. Just know you gave her a great home and life down the road do not deprive yourself of years of joy of having another friend just take some time for yourself

  19. Dianny, my thoughts and prayers are with you tonight. Just remember, when you get through that narrow gate to the big guy upstairs, whistle and Mary will come running and greet you with a big wet kiss. 😘 🕊️❤️🙏


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