“We Will Mock You” – IOTW Report

“We Will Mock You”

CTH: In an era when the battle of ideas has morphed into the cultural and social media strata, it must be recognized that Trump supporters have the best team in the fight.  The left simply cannot meme…. nor do they even comprehend nuance, subtlety and humor.

This video is a brilliant exhibit of exceptional agitprop from the DGAF generation that we celebrate amid our ranks.  These are the young warriors of the rebel alliance. The dramatic NPC use is excellent. Brilliant stuff…. very impressive. WATCH

16 Comments on “We Will Mock You”

  1. From witness:

    Antifa was busting up cars with bats/pipes/etc… and a guy in a green shirt with an AR15 runs up and confronts them. The surround him and hit him with a pipe and he lights them up and than runs back from the direction he came. He shot at least three.

  2. Lots of people don’t realize that Kenosha, WI. has been a dangerous place for the last 50 years. It is basically the White Trash equivalent of Compton, CA.. I have driven through there and seen dead dogs that were shot and left in the street.

  3. There is a civil war coming patriots, the cabal will not be broken without trying to destroy America in the process for it is America (as usual) that is leading the fight against tyranny.

    The Demonrats will cheat, delay, distract, and corrupt the electoral process on a scale you have never before witnessed.

    When they lose they will not concede defeat, they will sue and riot, cities will burn. There will be a nationwide war launched on Nov 4, all else is preparation, including using blacks as a tool yet again to achieve their Marxist ends.

    The Demonrat controlled states will delay the count and the red states will be tied up by legions of Demonrat lawyers. Meanwhile the urban cores will revolt.

    I pray to God I am wrong and Nov 3 will be so emphatic a victory none of this will happen, but all the wheels are already in motion so I will likely be right.

  4. When this is all over it will be the most documented war in history cuz every lame-brain with a cell phone is capturing footage of it. They just can’t wait to stick it in people’s faces, even when they’re dead! They won’t stop until they’re laying flat on the pavement looking up at the night sky for the last time when they finally realize that just maybe they shouldn’t have been there!

  5. @ The- Mamomma
    My 90 year old mom who has had health issues over the last several years (go figure) had a bad cough so my sister took her to the hospital.
    They check her out send her home (she lives with me).
    Get a call from the hospital 1 week later, my mom did not test positive for covid,however they can not rule out covid because a nasal test could not be performed because she had nasal surgery in the last year (they took a throat swap instead)
    They then informed me because the test was inconclusive the whole household may be put into quarantine for 2 weeks and liable to fines for non compliance.
    Naturally, i told them to Fuck Off.
    They are apparently going to send around a public safety nurse to check out the situation.They are in for a pile of shit.
    This happened 8/25/2020 in Miississauga Ontario.


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