“We will not comply,
With the institution’s sick illusion.
No, it won’t be televised,
Welcome to the revolution.”

37 Comments on WE WILL NOT COMPLY

  1. One brother and my granddaughter have complied. My great niece has complied. Several cousins I don’t have a relationship with have. I will not, my youngest son will not. My oldest will not talk about it.

  2. I am the only pureblood left in my family (not counting my 2 year old grandson) but his parents will get him jabbed as soon as possible. Nothing I say and no proof that I bring can get through the trance they are living in. I pray I will not be burying them soon.

  3. I’ve seen firsthand the pain and suffering the jab has had in my circle of life. Families split up, friendships severed, loss of life and dreams. I actually feel like I’m walking around dead people. Masked up and scared like a cornered rat. DO NOT COMPLY!

  4. Out of the question to inject that poison into my body-one of the best and easiest decisions I’ve ever made. This was finally the last straw with my far left sister, we rarely communicate now. Dittos my lifelong friend in Israel.

    It defies belief that with all of the evidence piling up that anyone would allow it and I’m the nut??

  5. @Booger Bounds: In the beginning of the jab frenzy, Trump was the ring leader of the vax cult. He took credit for rolling out the jab at warp speed. Israel was the first to get the jabs, and look what’s happening to the jabbed Jews. What about the millions dying or injured. I was waiting for Trump to come out and discourage people from getting the jab. Nope, he doubled down. As recently as 2 weeks ago, he’s telling people to get the jab. Trump’s cult following took a big hit. If you’ve ever been in a cult, you would know what one is. This is all about my body, my choice. If you believe in God, your body is a temple of God. I urge you all to listen to this attorney and your rights. Pass it on to those who are about to lose their livelihood. May SCOTUS do the right thing or they will usher in a civil war. This attorney is excellent!

    Attorney Robe3rt Barnes and Chris Martenson


  6. @Anonymous January 9, 2022 at 7:26 am

    > Where are the rallies of the regretful jabbed?

    They’re all exhausted. From the proofs “it’s working”.

    We’ll have to organize for them!
    <cue Adam West deep fake>
    Quick! Citizens. To the boxcars!

  7. Tell ya what BB, when you can put together a list as long as the REPORTED deaths & fatalities in VAER(up to 40-90% UNDER REPORTED) of HEALTHY people who died OF not with the Chinese flu, which of course you’ll never even come close, then maybe you might have a legitimate point.

    Till then ah, remember to keep current with your boosters.

    Say, isn’t it time for your ilk to head over to a pro life site and blather on about a clump of cells?

  8. Everybody I know has complied except my children, grandchildren, and my husband and me. My daughter’s husband got the jab for work and I’m not sure about my son’s wife. Didn’t ask. The more time goes by, the madder I get about what the government has done. The anger always feels like it’s ready to bust out at any second. Maybe lasers will come out of my eyes one of these days.

  9. What is also encouraging is that The kids’ mon said to me the other day: You know how you don’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks? Now your daughter really doesn’t care what others think. She really doesn’t.

    Is isn’t that I don’t care what other people think about me, I just keep it in proper perspective. What others think about me shrinks to insignificance compared to what I think about me. Besides, I have absolutely no obligation to live my life to or order my beliefs to please anyone else. They have no legitimate claim on me what so fucking ever.

  10. People have willingly turned themselves into mutants. I don’t think most of them will live very long. Their lives will be even shorter if they try to force me to become a mutant.

  11. What are the unvaxxed going to do when the grocery stores refuse to open to them? Seriously. That is the next step.

    This will be the conditioning of the masses to bow in worship of the Antichrist as prophesied in the Bible.

    Does it have to go that far before one acknowledges the Bible is the inspired Word of God? (If one lives that long?) Jesus said that He is the only way to the Father. Why does one deny Him?

  12. @1harpazo January 9, 2022 at 4:55 pm

    > What are the unvaxxed going to do when the grocery stores refuse to open to them?

    A stationary object? That aids and abets those that, not merely, call you “enemy”? But actively seek to exterminate you?

    I’d hope they’d be “mostly peaceful” about it.

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