Breitbart Texas– HOUSTON, Texas – Armed Black Panther members marched in front of the Waller County jail and shouted, “You’re gonna stop doing what you’re doing, or we will start creeping up on you in the darkness.”

black panthers texas

The statement was made just two weeks prior to the assassination of a Harris County deputy sheriff.

Shannon Miles, a black male, allegedly came “creeping up” behind Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth in the darkness on the night of August 28. While Goforth stood at a convenience store pumping gas into his patrol vehicle, Miles allegedly raised a pistol and shot him dead.

The comments, made by a leader of the Houston-based chapter of the New Black Panther Party, were captured on a short video clip (below) from the scene by the Houston Chronicle. The writers from the Chronicle made no mention of the threat in their article published that same day.   MORE


  1. Ah yes. You’re right…
    The old Master’s baiting ploy. LOL

    I can see what you mean. The dems get a few of them popped and in the ground and then they can cry about raycism or whatever. Then they think they can score some points with blacks and a lock down for all. Only I think normal blacks are pretty tired of the lessers ruining it for them, too. No matter what, I see this as a backfire.

  2. I do miss the days when you could not yell “Fire” in a crowded theatre.

    It’s too bad liberals selectively reject their own arguments when it suits them. They always manage to do it at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons.

  3. They’ve been doing this in that town for over a month. WTF is going on over there that they let a criminal hate group carry guns AND make threats?! It’s one thing to march with a gun and chant dumbassery, but to openly threat cops and they sit there on their ponies and watch them?

    Can I go to the Federal building in Las Vegas, protest with a gun and start threatening harry reid on the sidewalk? I know I’d be arrested.

  4. Makes you wonder if the Secret Service would stand down and ‘give us some space’ if we decided to confront the Wurst Family about their excessive and expensive vacations: “You’re gonna stop doing what you’re doing, or we will start creeping up on you in the darkness.”

  5. Of course they will!! SNEAK up on the police that is. Why would we expect them to do it anyother way?
    Bunch of COWARDS!

    When my boys were younger (30+ years ago) and played midget football (guess that’s raaaccist now. Tough shit) they’d come home from a game with scratches and bite marks on them. My dh told them there’s only one way to deal with ‘those kids’ and that was to hit them hard again and again. To hell with the play. Worked everytime! Cowards!
    Start sneaking up on them in the darkness!!

  6. If this had been the Tea Party every MSM would have run the footage 24/7 and the talking heads would be demanding any and all Tea Party types to be rounded up.

    Black Panthers- yawn. The bigotry of low expectations.

  7. Exactly Mary Jane, TEXAS marginally allows open carry of rifles but not hand guns.

    I don’t like to see demonstrations calling for the death of any person, but you know it has been allowed for a long time for blacks calling for killing whites and LEOs. It began hot and heavy for Travon.

    Things are especially bad when just the sight of a watermelon can incite a black to committ bloody murder of a white.

  8. Somebody needs to tell the Brown Pampers about those night-vision-thingies that the cops use to see if your seatbelt is buckled at 2 AM. The prices have dropped enough that even I can afford one.

  9. WOW! The gov’t of Texas allows its citizens to exercise a right? That is so good of em! Y’all should be proud. I know I am, when our State gov’t allows us to exercise a right! Actually, they don’t yet, but they’re thinking about it.

    Mighty white of them Fascist Fucking Pigs!

  10. Ever read Ender’s game or seen the movie? It’s on the reading list for the Marines.

    Fighting per the Ender’s principle means you beat the opponent such they can’t come after you again, because they are unable to get back up, period.

    When discussing self defense with the gun, younger kids corrupted by hollywood need this drilled into them. When you draw to defend yourself in a life or death situation you aim to kill, period.

    Or there’s the Jack Reacher way when faced with a non-lethal attack, which typically includes the total and abrupt destruction of major joints like knees or elbows, so they live but they’re never quite the same again.

  11. The Military outfits are a nice touch.
    I bet they have ranks like: Supreme Overlord of Twitter Presence, and Sargent at Arms in charge of Mob arousal
    The very Heavens shake with derisive laughter from every real soldier throughout history.
    These people are punks that society decided that the camera should be pointed at today.
    Ten determined men with sticks could ride herd on a thousand of these ladies blouses.

  12. Magnum, it’s not the same as open carry of long guns here in Texas.

    You have to have a CHL first.

    I don’t call that a right, that’s a privilege you have to ask permission for.

    It’s a step closer, so there’s that. Whatever it takes to get the public used to the idea of a publicly armed citizenry without freaking out about it.

    In my opinion, the march towards this freedom has been long and slow – but it is moving in the right direction.

    It was less than 20 years ago that we were “given permission” to carry concealed with state approved hurdles to leap over.

    In 2009 they determined we could have a hand gun in the vehicle without a permit and not be thrown in jail anymore.

    And yet – Vermont has never had a gun control law. You can carry whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want.

    Arizona recently joined them in allowing open carry without a permit. There are other states too!

    Texas is around number 42 in gun freedoms still – even with this POS permission slip.

  13. Those are more than considerable points, TSUNAMI.

    You forgot one important thing.

    The stores and internet shipping of ammo will be closed if lead starts flying. How long can you fight with the specialty ammo you already have?

    You have advantage over specialty ammo if your gun shoots what their guns shoot ( and they don’t shoot 6.5s )

    I’m thinking 9mms, 40sw, .223/5.56 and the .308 have a better chance of finding more ammo on the battlefield to continue the fight.

  14. Your sentence structure went in a circle.

    Constitutional carry means the Constitution is the only permit needed.

    And: Who says we have that in Texas?

    I mean, besides those of us who carry regardless of the restrictions in place.

    It amazes me Texas has the reputation of “The gun friendliest state”.

    Yay! We’re #42!

  15. How in the world is it that their addresses aren’t common knowledge?

    It’s not like it’s a hard thing to do.

    Time for the head of the snake to be removed before more blood is spilled.

  16. These simple minded morons all have to have a gimmick. Look at some of their names. (Euphinasia- I swear it’s true) they want to feel special or set apart. They like shit like “tribal tattoos”, gold teeth, loud and ridiculous cars. Hell, look at the dumbass wearing the kufiya. In their own mind, it’s all about them.

  17. The Day has long passed where police can trust the uniform to protect them from ambush. Police Departments throughout America need to start telling the force…”don’t turn your back, don’t trust someone will not pop you, don’t be afraid to shoot, and watch your surroundings whether on duty or off.” We have to do that, and that is great advice, wherever you live, Texas, or elsewhere. If a vehicle pulls up next to you at a stoplight or stop sign, and the occupants want to engage you, just run the damned light if you need to. Better to challenge in court any citation, than have to be wheeled off to the morgue. And keep your sidearm in easy reach, locked and loaded.

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